KEN RONDELL WINKLES / Events / Created to Worship Ken & Cindy


Ken is a hard knocks trained street musician who has preformed all over the world. He has a secret he tries to hide, but when he opens his mouth and that anointed sound comes out, it's all over. Cindy is school trained with a degree in music performance. Preparing for the opera, Cindy felt an the emptiness inside that could only be satisfied when singing for God. When she sings, it is apparent th... read more

  • Sun
    Jun 25

    Created to Worship Ken & Cindy

    United States, Alaska, All, Georgia
    All I can do is ask in the name of Jesus. I am about to cut another CD and it cost, well all know it's all about money. I need help to do this. If the next time you play a song please buy it on the two webs sites up top. I ask only 99c but that would get the CD project on a roll. It helps people that have heart hurts, depression going through a divorce or lost a family member. Shows who the real Lord is Jesus. All I can do is ask. God bless and keep you and family safe. I am open for any questions.
    99cents download a song mp3
    All Ages





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