
The Lord Jesus Loves you I thank you for checking out the music of the Lord Jesus.

If you check out the Word of God you will find that what is happening around the world is what said about the end times. So pray and look up you might see something you have never seen before. The Lord Jesus standing on the clouds in the east. In a short time I an going to be on U/Tube and I will be telling all what has and will, happen. I have had a Supernatural meeting with Jesus in 1995 when H e reached down and touched me. I was not a good person, drank to much rum the women married 5 times. That was the life I lived and was nothing but running with the Devil. When Jesus got me let me tell all it was a supernatural. But the Lord Jesus new I was a hard man. He opened a dark door so I could see what we and walk around with every day. I know some people will think, and call me crazy. Don't care because I know what I ran into. I had to fight with things I had no Idea what it was, but it was a good fight. I will tell the stories on U/tube if nothing else you will learn the truth. We are not told the truth on what we run to every day and night. Please bare with me you will be amazed. God bless you and your family. God bless.





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