Kiara Jack
9 years ago

Makeshift Forest

Kiara Jack's ep ONLY IN TIME feat. the single MAKESHIFT FOREST. out June '15 http://www.kiarajack.com. Videography by Oliver Marcolin. Editing by Soolaba Doyle. __________________________ Like Kiara Jack & The Jills here http://www.facebook.com/kiarajackmusic Follow Kiara Jack & The Jills here http://www.twitter.com/kiarajac __________________________ Makeshift Forest - Lyrics Written by Kiara Jack in our makeshift forest where the tall trees meet and the city lights are rampant and the air is sweet the sycamores are blooming and the darkness is looming it's a perfect time to come out and play dana da dagets daka doom doom doom dana da dagets daka doom doom doom dina in our makeshift forest made of concrete clay is a growing awareness of a coming of age but still they build our walls and they close our doors to the truth that our cities are killing us all we can turn our backs and we can watch our TVs we can choose to believe what they want us to believe but it can't stop what's already coming and it won't change what's already started in our makeshift forest it is having an affect on our ozone layer but they try not to let us change our ways even though it would stop the decay of our Mother Earth and all i can say is it's a perfect time to come out and play it's a perfect time to start making a change because our beautiful earth she is alive and she feeds us and we return the favour by burning and cutting and ruining it all by polluting and shooting and killing our wildlife for fashion and pleasure and rations of meat to try to keep the economy on it's feet but look around it's no longer safe and sound to be endorsing our technocratic cities and towns still to know that our Earth still keeps on giving but we keep on taking and we keep on making wars wars heaving machinery pure evil at it's worst ammunition and weaponery still it's never too late to wake up to change just the longer we leave it the longer it'll take to clean up the damage that's already done it's been long overdue and all i can say is it's a perfect time to come out and play it's a perfect time to start making a change





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