Kyngg Kaveli
United States, Oregon, Portland

About Kyngg Kaveli

Just a aspiring music producer, this is not me rapping, but i write the lyrics and mix it onto the beats,
ive had a strange life, i never knew my father until recently, my mom always said he left before i was born, but i found out the truth, she was hanging out with skinheads (wich my dad was) and she got pregnant with me, then she ran off back here to oregon leaving him in nebraska, i was six when i first asked about my dad, she said he had left me because he didnt want me. then suddenly mom wanted to move to texas, she had gotten with a military guy and i believe it was because my dad was trying to contact me, so we moved to germany for three years, back then i was into punk rock and horrorcore hip hop, then the military had us move to alaska, where i joined a gang La Coka Familia, it was the best time of my life, i was smokin pot car hopping, spray painting shit and just causing trouble, then i got into drug dealing, it started with pot and ciggaretes, then turned into cocaine and anything i was told to sell, i got caught and was put in a youth facility for a few weeks and then i had 3 weeks of community service doing dumb shit, then one day, my mom said she needed to change something in my facebook settings but wouldnt tell me what, when she was done i went looking in my blocked users and saw someone named brian who i never heard of, then i remembered on my birth certificate my biological dads name was brian, so i unblocked him and asked him if he dated my mom, and he told me he was my dad, and i asked my mom if it was true, she said yes and got bitchy at me for unblocking him, as i learned more about him i learned he had changed and was trying to make up for not being there throughout my childhood, from all the lies my mom had told me through my life i believed her, she told me he was a nazi crackhead woman beater. when i visited family in summer i found a way to meet him too, he treated me better than my mom had done with all her boyfreinds who treated me like i wasnt shit, who told me i would never be anything. she couldnt handle me not wanting to deal with her boyfreinds bullshit and kicked me out on the streets, i was homeless for about a month. i contacted my dad and told him, and he took me in, now i live with him in SE portland and West linn. i go to a good school but im still going through struggles wit money and family problems. also still fuckin around with gangs n shit. but oh well.

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