welcome to the kNowledge oF truTh Experiemce

hello welcome to the kNowledge oF truTh experieNce
thank you for, giving me a chance to, steal your ears and heart, my music is nothing except,, what is from me my soul my life My inspirations and experiences,.
a year and a half ago.. my plan was not to make music, but, here I am and yes Different if you could, put your finger on , A Artist, who would be you choice? if any?
thank you in advance, I joined my first band( BURNING SUNDAY) at 47. no prior experience, no schooling or music Lessons, get a chance listen to Burning Sunday when I was on Board, for the albums, screaming in the streets, and highway six sixty six
thank you , your support and, sharing , most of all, take time to, listen to all, my music, i believe ,there are ,not many songs the sound the same, or, like some artist, they start sounding al the same,
I am happy to be different, and convincing, from my heart and soul, knowledge of truTh aka James Lindsay