Ride Tough - sung by Travis Sinclair written by Travis, Larry Cann and Paul Ensby
Song Reviews
Ride Tough
Excellent! I like the intro. Very professional, commercial sound. This should be on every country station in the country! Wonderful vocals. I like the lyrics, they tell a story. Really like your voice. That's a great band backing you up too! I hope ya'll are out gigging a lot, you should be! You're that good! Loved it! Adding it to my listen list.
United States, Texas, Richmond
Larry Cann
Excellent song great commercial sound.The vocals and music arrangement is very good. Nice change ups throughout the song awsome! guitar leads.Congrats! on a well produced song. I can see it being played on radio play lists.
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Blues intro
Good song starts great with the bluesy guitar lick leading into the Country beat. Nice Bass line the guitars are sweet, I hear a little slide work going on in here. The Vocals are good the song moves along nicely.
United States, Washington, Sequim
Great Job
I was impressed with the lyrics and arrangement. A great vocal presentation. I wasn't sure in the beginning but when the chorus kicked in I was captured. It brought the west alive and captured the cowboy. Keep the music coming!
United States, Texas, Coldspring
Ride Tough is Great Country
'Ride Tough' should become the anthem for the Rodeo circuit. Professional production, fine singing and excellent musicianship. I could easily see this song in rotation on Country radio. Good job.
United States, Florida, Miami
Ride Tough review
Great song..love the guitar sounds ...good voice!very talented writing..This song already sounds like a number one hit.Delivery and excecution is spot onjust the way this tune has been mastered is just ..right..like be the musical breaks..Sometimes modulation is used to create even more tension and release..Great job with the lyrics tells a good story!This song is definitely 5 stars in my opinion.. Keep writing and producing such good work.. want to hear even more..!
United States, Kansas, Wichita
GUYS i really like this sound.. really like the Lyrics and all the instrumentals are GREAT! Song starts off really cool and builds up ! Powerful and keeps MY ear very interested and I don't hang UP !! Really like your voice Larry nice to listen to a great country sound!! Great Job !!! You got my VOTE!! ON ANOTHER NOTE I LOVE COWBOYS !!
United States, Maryland, Frederick
Hello from Jerzy
Is always hard to say something when.. I'm hearing some 80" Rock and some "touch" of Country...crossovers are good but some people will complain.. hahaha...I like the song...is great to dance and this is good..Music and Dance are Twins..Jerzy...
United States, California, Los Angeles
Larry Cann My Review!
Hey bro you did it again another great song from a very talented man thanks my friend for giving the world another great song well written song the music sounded good along with the lyrics keep up the great work hope you get lot's of airplay keep me updated on new songs and if you have an album let us know I hope what I have said will be of some help from James Milligan President/CEO,New Experience records/Rick Ross Music Group/UMG.
United States, Mississippi, Marks
A New Country Hit
From that lonesome opening dobro recorded with a microphonic microphone effect, to the ever-present pounding backbeat of the kick drum, I know that this song will definitely make all the way to the bell. The realism of Larry's lyrical imagery paints scenes from the rodeo like no other artist can. The raw realism and stark tableau which we experience through his vision is merely the recollection of distant memories. Like the man with the one thousand yard stare Larry's vision is transfixed upon that long ago day when he was awaiting the call, "Cowboy Up!". This song is the culmination of an ever evolving never ending story. The instrumentation, the arrangement, the diction, lyrical content, and tone are proof that as a songwriter Larry Cann has arrived at the next level. The castanets make for a tasty accent adding to that Southwestern flavor like a roasted Habanero pepper along with the rest of his smokin band pounding like a steam locomotive down the track towards oblivion. This song is a scorcher ready to burn up the airwaves. As they say at the Texas Chili Parlor on Lavaca Street in Austin, Texas...careful now, this stuff is hot ;)
United States, Texas, Austin
Cowboy Tough
Great song Larry, nice job well done Travis, great vocals and very well written. The music is like a cadence and is all put in sync one item at a time. The very moment the lonely guitar calls out and the rest of it kicks in, I really love this song, Ride Tough, persistence is the key to "Ride Tough" I like how the drums move right along, all the instruments fit very well together gets a person jumping in to see what it is all about. Songedge
United States
Great music!
Really nice production, love the slide guitar! Strong lyrics, commercial vocals. I'd say you have done your homework in attaining that Nashville sound! Awesome! All the Best of luck Larry!
United States, Tennessee, Gainesboro
I love the way you write. It seems like you have ridden on the circuit before. Along the lines of Chris LeDoux. Obviously this is a pro band. You can tell these guys are seasoned. The guitar and steel work really well together. I can't believe this is not on the radio. Really good, I love it.
United States, Texas, Ft Worth
Tough Ride... but, LARRY did it!
Traditional country song with a touch of new country flare... Well done! The hook is catchy! Also, the production is good quality. It isn't overly produced so much that it sounds really fake like a lot of songs at our level! PROPS 2 YA'LL!
United States, Ohio, Cincinnati
Australian Country!
Larry has a great voice and this is a well written tune with some nice tracks. Great lyrics and a Nashville/Texas feel makes me feel like this guy is local!! (Nashville) Love the steel guitar and the whole feel of the song. Cowboy Country... Nice work!
United States, Tennessee, Nashville
Ride Tough
Awesome blend of instruments, great voice, enough space in between phrases to reflect on what was just sung. All around, a great song, but it almost seems like there should be a different chord progression going into the beginning of the chorus because musically it sounds a bit uneventful; in-climactic. If I heard correctly, it sounded like the song starts in a minor key, which always makes me think that there is a hunt, or something mystical about to happen (which is exiting), but then the chorus is in a major key. (Plain, uninteresting)
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Cool Cowboy Song
The song is well structured. I like the intro, it builds up good tension. The verse is the week point of the song, reminds me to a 70th Rock song and sounds dated. I also think the guitar fills are a tad overdone all over the song, a little less would have a better effect. Starting with the channel to the chorus the song becomes pretty good, I like the chorus. The lyric however doesn't really catch me and I am afraid there are only a few people who can relate to a bull rider.
American Samoa, Fghjkk
Bull riding fun!
Great slide intro and uptempo rock! The voice is strong and the lyric describes a bull rider. Took a little long to get to the chorus, I might've skipped one of the first two stanza's. Also, the second verse would be stronger if it brought his woman/family into the picture. Why is he riding tough? Song sounds great but there isn't enough meat in the lyric.
United States, Maine, Portland
Loving then country sounds. A good and catchy sound with nice lyrics. Has a bit of Keith Urban and Billy Ray Cyrus feel to it. Makes you feel like you're actually in the country. Just a little advice. I hear that some of the vocals seem a little strained. Try relax your voice on those high notes. Keep up the good work.
United Kingdom, London