Lee Alston Gullahsoul Muzik
Posted at 2022-04-05
Posted at 2022-04-05
Lee Carlos Alston, Sr. is of GullahGeechee descent. I am from the Brunswick/St. Simon's Island areas which places my roots as Sea Island Creole. In 1694, two cousins named John Alston settled in North Carolina. At the time they owned the largest number of slaves. Slaves were often moved around quite often thus placing my ancestors to be owned other slave owners across the colonies in the south. I am proud of my Gullah heritage and passionately pour my soul into creating the lyrical motifs that many of you listen to here on https://n1m.com/leealston daily. I love to take this time to express my thanks and gratitude to each of you for your shares, downloads, positive messages, and adding my music to your playlists.