Song Reviews

Powerful stuff


Leon J Harris' recording of "Vigilante" is powerful stuff. A real, up-close story delivered in a breathy, accessible male voice draws me in as a listener. I want to know more about what he's saying. What's this about a war zone? Did he say "urban" or "suburban"? The song takes you on a voyage into the mind of a vigilante, seeking to prevent crime from taking hold in his neighborhood. In the breaks, there are clips from gun control debates, and a wide array of interesting sounds. The mix is good. The vocal is forward so you feel like he's talking to you in your own living room. The bass maintains a nice, present ambience throughout -- definitely there and underpinning everything, but not in your face. The ending is interesting. Is it commentary? Is it the bottom line? What about . . .? Makes you want to listen to it all over again. My only knock against this recording is the intro. It starts out urban and jazzy, very appropriate to the message, then breaks into heavy metal for a few seconds, then just disappears. For me, the intro is too long overall, and the heavy metal segment is an intrusion, unwanted, unneeded, and out of character with the rest of the tune. That said, man, if you have artistic reasons for wanting it there, keep it. It's just that as a listener, I was beginning to wonder "Is this just some ADHD teenager experimenting with his system, or is this going somewhere?" Then it went somewhere, just as I was about ready to turn it off. Why risk losing your listener? Bottom line, it's powerful stuff and I want to hear more by this artist.

United States, Texas, Kyle

Vigilant Vigilante


What a breath of fresh air!! Nice premise to the song. I tend to gravitate toward this style. Its never boring and the talent usually comes out via an array of non-typical styling. I thought the foundation of the song was solid. the drums throughout the song was firm and had roll-outs that were not overbearing. good work. I really liked the tone of the psychedelic work. Came across clean and sustained. the complexity of the song would have my wife say "its too busy" but I beg to differ. the business or complexity of the song denotes the thought that went into the song. it didn't just crank out a couple of bars and a few bridges and then close it up. the song is adventurous and entertaining. for some strange reason when the vocals came up I couldn't help but hear "I want my MTV" bouncing in my ears.-------- just an observation. The song tilts a tad over the cookie cutter 3+/- min mark which is fine with me. the song is an incredible downmix. good balance. good work folks.

United States, Louisiana, Delcambre

tenera canzone


tenera canzone che si sviluppa bene con un quasi parlato e coretto molto gradevole e delicato sembra che parli della sua vita ma anche se non canta e' ben arrangiata e si ascolta volentieri

Italy, dalmine bg

movie atmosphere


Hello, well-constructed music. beautiful arrangement with delicacy and finesse. the voice comes out very frank and clear. a good swing, it hangs fairly quickly. I like the round and efficient bass. live atmosphere mixed pink floyd way. a great success.

France, Angers



I like the production sound and the vibe of the track along with the message. I can feel the heart in this showing you've put in some dedicated work on your art. I love the smoothness and the jazz blues vibes. More artist should study the roots of their culture of art more to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. If you're ever looking for a hip hop collaboration hit me up I'm versatile. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill



Great use of pedals and sound effects. Kind of mysterious and different. I still feel all of the "Arts" are good. No good no bad just different styles. This music will fit someone's style somewhere.

United States, Indiana, DeMotte



what you get confronted to as a listener turning on "Vigilante" is of course not simple song. It is not for several reasons. In the beginning the guitar(synthesizer I would nearly call it ) is building up the crimescene in the night. In a way this already tell what´s going on. After that the song starts and you soon will know this is not Sultans of swing. The text gets you to the situation too many are going to get used to it instead recognizing that accepting all this never will lead to a peaceful developed society. I´m living in a big city and for those who once wished to have anarchy as their utopia I just can tell them when You will have got it you will soon wish to never have wished it. In my very personal view maybe - you have been asking for a second opinion on the mix - reducing electric guitar a bit would tell more, for me it´s too much illustrating what is better said by the text which needs some efforts to be in the forground after the guitar clash. After all - a good song !

Germany, Berlin

Nice mix and mastering...


This recording is very well mixed and mastered. Every sound is clearly audible and well sorted to the places where it should be. It might have takes a lot of time as you described in your comment. Let me tell you what if I did mixing and mastering and thus this is just a second opinion FYI based upon my taste. I may lower the presence of synth sound on the far right channel to make it more like a piece of a building block of a whole sound structure. With the present level of presence, it draws too much attention of a listener and obscures the total feeling of the flow of music sporadically. It is better that Bass and Drums, in my opinion, to take more than 50% share of the presence, not to be clouded down, to keep a pyramidal structure of the total sound. Stay safe and keep the music playing.

Japan, Yokohama



Glad you got your shit together and found some friends Leon!... Mate! So, "Who Protects the People from the Law?" Right? Great Political Peice as well. I Pray for "A New World 'IN' Order!" #All1Mind4Humankind I like the feel of the blues guitars and enjoy the addition of the electronics to the mix. Trippy like a Pink Floyd begining and then it goes all Dr. John on me. I dig it! This certainly would not get any Main Stream Media or Airplay here in The Corporate States of the American Homeland... But you can put it out on YOUTUBE! Now, back to the song; from my end of things... First thing that jumped out was the electric guitar lick at the beginning. sounds a bit loud in the mix and seems to end abbruptly. perhaps fade out the end of the lick? Musicianship and insrumentations are all wonderful. I found it to be a very entertaing song. The mix gets abit convoluted at the ending climatic part. Love to hear the voices a bit louder in that part. If anything, focus on learning how to get a more over all even mix and levels throughout the verious arts of the song. But that's all tech stuff anyway. as far as the songwriting goes. Props! Good Job! NOW GO AND WRITE 100 MORE! Cheers! Erik Lyon

United States, Texas, Austin

Rise Up


Seriously unique introduction that blends some very earth tone guitar with some other outer space effects which lead to the story. Very much reminded me of Lou Reed or Leonard Cohen even, sounds like it belonged in the soundtrack for Natural Born Killers or Pulp Fiction. Interesting concept for the outro blends police scanner activity and news feeds that are very relevant today. Great imagination in the end where all the sounds come together, Nice Job!

United States, Delaware, Wilmington

Well composed and great mix to my ears


This song grabbed me from the first few held my attention with the perfectly layered guitars and steady bass and beat. Lyrically this artist is up there with Dire Straits, unique in phrasing and content. It has plenty of truth within, the mix is great on my end. Keep up the truth !

United States, Wisconsin, Hartland

Great mix and mood


Very nice song, my friend. It sounds really good! Very chill, yet somehow intense at the same time. Ethereal and ambient. Your mix sounds really good, but there are some of the electric guitar parts added for ambiance and emphasis seem to be too up front. The very first time it comes in right before the first verse was a little off-putting if I'm being completely honest. Not that it sounded bad, it was just very abrupt and a bit jarring. Everything else seem well mixed though. Good job on setting a mood and telling the story of the suburban vigilante :)

United States, Oregon, Eugene


thank you for sharing your song with me I really like to tie a beautiful auntie the music is really unique and clever will put together. Continue to stay unique you have a unique style that's different from a lot of people that's what's good about unique and different artists they have their own unique style. Hope you having a wonderful weekend us far like I said earlier keep on sharing your gifts and talents with the world never be box in never be afraid to go to the next level and never stop sharing your gifts with the world. So she's doing this day and time the world revolves around music music and help a lot of people in so many ways. Thank you again for sharing your music with me please keep me posted in a new future God bless your wonderful

United States, California, Every Where

your song


thank you so much for sending me your beautiful song for review. This is very different from so much out there, this is very well thought and produced, the mix between the real guitars and those synth stuff make of the song very special and very beautiful, it reminds me something from Mama told me song….but not really. The voice fits very good inside the song too and in general, this song is a great piece of music, keep it up man! Many greetings from Germany, Alfredo from King Mambo

Germany, Muenster

Guitar playing in the Night


Hi Leon! Nice light guitar playing in the front of the song, vocals are nice and clear, your words suit the times! The music works well with the lyrics:-) The mix is good! You can tell you took your time on it:-) Nice end with the tag! Thank you so much for sharing it with me Leon! I am working on my tunes at this oportune time!!! Have a beautiful day:-) Rachel :-)

Canada, British Columbia, Williams Lake

A Story for our time


A very socially aware and intimate song about the struggles of our time The mix is if anything a little to busy which distracts from the narrative but having said that this Dire Straits feeling song is a great piece of work and it had me hooked and listening all the way Nice Work

United Kingdom, London



Your introduction sounds like something I did in my electronic music class when we were studying John Cage. The song does have a Tom Waits appeal to me. I believe your mix is fine. Nothing is overpowering in a negative. Best of luck with the song.

United States, Michigan, Detroit

belle musique


j'ai écouté votre musique, plaisante et agréable à écouter, j'aime bien le mélange que vous en faites, une voix de rock avec un son qui porte bien cette voix, j'espère que vous allez avoir le succès mérité et bien musicalement

France, LYON



instrumental magnifico como colchón para mis canciones, mi aplauso, el tema es de una gran calidad musical, de sonido tribal, y muy actual, la voz muy particular me recuerda a bob dylan y leonard cohen. podría ser base para cualquier film de estilo futurista

Atmospheric but a little ambiguous


This is an atmospheric track with some good sounds and solid playing. The vocal is a little talking-Mark-Knopler-ish but quite effective in the context of the song. I'm a fan of concentrated economy in songwriting and, though I recognise this track represents a different approach and ethos, I think it could be focused a little more tightly than it is. The attitude towards guns is a little ambiguous; it seems like a critical comment on gun culture and vigilantes, but at times it's a little uncertain. Hey, maybe that's not a bad thing! Overall, worth a listen but, as I said, I think tighter focus is possible.

Australia, Adelaide

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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