Song Reviews
Hearing this Gregorian choirs mixed with guitars and samplers makes me wonder! Certainly a great team for this job. The mixing and mastering is very delicate and the melody remains certain melancholic and historic tune with the power of instruments behind like a procession. My best regards!!!
Argentina, Buenos Aires
La Guerrière Sacrée
Intro intéressante! Belle harmonie vocale lorsque les voix embarquent! La basse, quoique simpliste, se marie très bien à la musique. Le son de la batterie pourrait assurément être meilleur, un peu moins électronique, surtout pour ce qui est du son de la caisse claire. Belle évolution, bon build-up. Musicalement, c'est assez intéressant pour garder mon attention pour la durée de la pièce. J'ai envie de l'écouter à nouveau, beau travail! Interesting intro. I love the vocal harmonics once voices come in! The bass, though quite simplistic, fits this song perfectly. The sound of the drum would make the whole song more interesting if it sounded a bit more acoustic, rather than electronic, especially the snare. Nice build-up to this song. Interesting enough to keep my interest and wanting to listen to it again, great job!
Canada, Quebec, Québec, Qc
One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song we get a slow build intro with vocals which are expertly produced and mixed into the song. I could expect to hear this in the background for a big Hollywood movie!
United States, California, Huntington Beach