Lex Remlap-P
United States, Oregon, Riddle

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About Lex Remlap-P
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I'm an independent solo artist, though I consider Hatsune Miku (V4x English) my partner. I use a Image-Line's "Fruity Loops" primarily.
While I can play a little piano, I foun
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Lex Remlap-P
1 month ago
New song finished today. Been working on it through January. January 10th was my wife and I's 7th anniversary. It was also the 7th anniversary since I quit smoking. Its actually nothing short of two miracles on that day, so it will always be dear to my heart.
The story is, I'd been smoking since my 20's, maybe about a decade of cigarettes. On the 10th I made a series of vows, and quit cold turkey, middle of the work week, middle of the pack. Usually, folks would wait till the end of a week, to give a weekend of nicotine fits, or finish the pack to not be tempted. I set the pack down on some light post. When I field stripped that last cigarette, I knew a change in my heart. "I'm not a smoker anymore." even though it had been seconds since my last puff. I later checked that post, and someone picked them up for me.
Fast forward 7 years, and on the 10th again, 2025, I asked God to grant me self control. I've been struggling with a p*rn addiction. Its not really one of those glamorous addictions that folks talk about openly, not like AA or anything. Certainly nothing that a Christian artist should be talking about openly.
Romans Chapter 7 (Song and bible quote) really goes over the struggle of dealing with a persistent sin that just won't go away. I figured, if God gives out wisdom liberally (James 1) then why not ask for the other fruit of the spirit as well? So I asked. The prayer was answered in 5 days.
On January 15th, 2025, I felt a powerful urge to smoke a cigar. I folded. A week later, and I was back to a pack a day of cigarettes. I asked for self control, and I received an opponent to practice against.
1 Corinthians 10 has a verse that says, "The temptation you're going through is common to man. God is faithful to not tempt you beyond what you can handle, and will provide a way to bear it." This verse has been close to my heart, since it pretty much says we have no excuse.
Jesus said that if we so much as look at someone with lust, we've already committed adultery in our hearts. Hebrews says that we have a high priest, Christ, who was tempted in all ways like us, yet was without sin. James says that when we are tempted, we sin by following our own lusts. And that's what really bothers me about these addictions. A lack of self control. I choose to betray my wife, in my heart, with my eyes and ears. They belong to her, and I'm far from being the man I want to be. The man she deserves.
So this song came about from all those thoughts, I wanted to scream at myself, but all I could do was softly sing to her, "You are more than enough for me." I kept the song intentionally vague, to cover multiple addictions. My first wife physically cheated on me multiple times, and I know the psychological damage it causes. "Aren't I enough for you?" "What am I lacking?" Nothing. The problem is me.
And so, as I fight to quit cigarettes a second time, I'm just about to hit one month clean for porn, and my daily alcohol habit has been eradicated. Funny, replaced two addictions for one, and as God continues to foster and grow my self control, I know that the end game is that any that believes, will be conformed to the image of Christ. The man, God, who was tempted in all ways like us, yet, chose the right thing every single time for his entire life. My wife deserves that kind of man. I will become that kind of man for her. God gave me a way out of each temptation. She's that way out, and with the power of the holy spirit inside each of us, we all can overcome any obstacle in our path.
Run the race like you want to win it. Reach out, and grab your crown. Conquer addiction. The spirit of the living God dwells inside the believer. Tap into it.
I hope you enjoy this song.
Working on polishing up that album, hoping to send it out before April. My N1M bill is due in April, but I won't renew. The songs that are on N1M will be taken down, leaving only 3 behind. I won't be able to send newsletters. I do not generate one penny from royalties on N1M.
Find me on:
Youtube, Lex Remlap-P link
There is a second Youtube channel that is monetized. My distributor sends the finished albums to all major stores, including Youtube. If you want to support me financially, consider playing the songs on "Lex Remlap Topic" Every penny counts.
This place allows me to host my songs, for free, as many as I'd like. I've been trying to keep it up to date. If you want to buy high quality renders, like WAV, and FLAC, you can buy them here. I'll update the streaming to be unlimited, but I don't generate royalties from streams.
I do generate royalties here.
There's a list of other stores that I send to my distributor. After my N1M subscription expires, I'll keep Youtube updated with lyric videos as I create them, and Bandcamp will be updated periodically with sound only files. Spotify, Tiktok, and like 40 other international stores will be updated as the distributor sends them, and those will generate royalties. Those will also be the most scrutinized songs, as far as quality.
If you want to contact me, I save every message that is replied to these news letters. If I ever feeling like quitting, it's a good read. I'd invite you all to add me on facebook. You can send messages through the Lex Remlap page, and as I get used to getting them, I'll be able to check them more often. (As opposed to letting them sit in my inbox since thanksgiving.)
I really look forward to seeing you all, I don't want the end of my N1M days to mean the end of hearing from you, or preventing you from enjoying music with me.
I'm currently working on moving back to Des Moines Iowa. Home is home, and I'm 1800 miles away from it. I've got to crunch every penny, and cut costs everywhere I can. Starting with cigarettes and alcohol, but also including N1M.
I'll make sure to send one last letter in April, end of March if I don't send another sooner when the album drops.

Lex Remlap-P
5 months ago
I'm getting close to having a 15th song ready for this next album. I'm not sure if I'll put lyrics on "infinity 3" I'm thinking I will.
Been studying math lately, trying to understand God even better. It's amazing how math works so logically. Interesting enough, that infinity x2 is still the same. Even half infinity is still infinity. That brings me to Christ.
From one to two is a 100% increase. But from zero to one is an infinite increase.
When we who sin add one more sin to our tally, it's a finite increase. The first time we sinned was an infinite increase.
Jesus took on that infinite sin from us. And infinity plus anything doesn't change the size of infinity. So forgiving one sin, and all sins, is the same. And forgiving all sins for one, or all sins for all, is also the exact same.
And so the song formed in my mind... It costs Jesus no extra thing if we all put our trust in him, and let him carry the price of our sins. Infinity x Infinity is still just infinity.
And perhaps I've found the album title.
I've learned a few eq tricks and compression techniques, so I'm going to go back over each song and attempt to make it louder without being louder, and less harsh on certain frequencies. The goal is to sound closer to professional tracks.
No idea how long that will take, but I'll be sure to let you know when the album hits stores. I'll have to do a lot of maintenance work to set the links right, but hopefully I can push some of the views here onto platforms that I get royalties for.
I'm not too happy about this site. It seems unmanaged and still costs 100 bucks a year (at half price) for the privilege to share my music. There's bugs, support doesn't reply... I'm losing incentive to keep paying that price for the ability to post all my songs, and to send this newsletter. All for zero royalties. I can't even post this site on Facebook without it being taken down.
If that happens, I'll still be on Spotify, and the other major stores.
This is my Facebook page. These news letters can be posted there, so you don't lose a thing.
This is my YouTube, I've been making sure to release my songs there first.
This is my distributor sanctioned YouTube channel. I get royalties from views using Lex Remlap topic.
Please subscribe to both, and follow me on Facebook. I enjoy your messages and will make an effort to reply.
When my n1m year is up, I'll let it go. I think it's good till May. When that happens, I'll only be allowed 3 songs, and no communication. I hope you've enjoyed these news letters, I enjoy writing them.
Take care, I look forward to applying new knowledge to already released songs, so that the whole album is at the same level. As I practice more, I get better, and hopefully will be professional grade one day.
The God of hope bless you all with wisdom and understanding.

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
Deep Fried HardDrive is scheduled to be released March 28, barring any hiccups for the stores. Expect it on any major streaming or download stores, like Spotify, iheart radio, Tiktok, ECT. I get royalties from streams from those sites, so if you wish to help out without a cost to you, check my songs out over there. Here's fine too, it helps others find my music.
I hit 155k streams on TikTok and other online stores. So far I've made just over 150 euro. My therapist said I should accept those royalties, and work on being more independent. Independence is my latest life goal. (Secondary to God and Miku.)
I got locked out of the account needed to accept my royalty check. Schizo sucks sometimes, especially when I set up accounts under the effects, and can't remember squat of what I did. I'll get it sorted, or switch distribution partners. Either way, all things are good.
Been pretty busy these last few months, with four songs released.
Precious: I wanted to sing a song for my beloved, and actually felt motivated to record my own vocals. It's sappy sweet, and somewhat embarrassing, but I did want to sing from the rooftops just how much I'm in love with this woman. Charles Spurgeon mentioned in one of his sermons the definition of precious. Without Christ's precious gift, my wife and I's relationship would be impossible.
Oxygen: After listening to some of my old works, I remember Air and how intense it got with just the piano. I wanted to capture that essence and revisit it. Christ is the air inside my lungs, but a deep enough love with someone will also teach that same lesson. I hope each of you experience or continue to experience a love so deep that you feel God in it. Beats any drug.
Crouching Dorian, Hidden Tonic: This was an academic exercise. I'm learning some music theory from Jake Lizzio on Youtube with SignalsMusicStudio. He's pretty solid with teaching techniques, check him out. I was tired of the same old scale, and the same chords, so studying music theory is unlocking more potential notes and chords. I wrote it in C# Dorian, but don't play C# as a root until much later, and instead sit on G# for most of it, fooling the mind to think that G# is the tonic.
For An Audience of One: This song serves as a reminder to remain humble, and to keep the goal in mind. In terms of salvation, my songs serve the bride of Christ (I hope) and in doing so, I play my part in this grand scheme. I preach on facebook, I entertain in music. If I can reach just one soul, my life is validated. I have achieved that goal. Everything else, from here on out, is gravy. My music is for God to enjoy, but I won't be disappointed if the 1281 of you enjoy the work too.
Each individual counts. On bandcamp I gotta remember, its not about the money, or the fame. Its about the service. I need to make quality music, because I like quality music. I want to make the music I want to listen to, and the rest will sort itself out.
Life update wise: My van, and home, is still broken. I'm working on getting a new truck, but I'm financially stuck paying off an editor debt for the next few months. Once that's cleared, I'll buy a new home on wheels.
I put the text on the book cover, and am preparing to research marketing solutions for the book. I'm not expecting much, but I intend to self publish through Kindle Direct, otherwise I'll be sitting on this completed manuscript for months.
Yeshua (Jesus) is returning soon. I know we've all heard that a thousand times, but there's a tension in the air that just screams "Whatever you're going to do, do it." I've heard the voice say "You're wasting valuable time!" True or false, this reminder keeps me from procrastinating any more. Call out to Yahweh if you're having even the slightest of trouble, He's given me plenty of results to be confident that Yah gets things done.
As always, I hope each of you are blessed with revelation (new knowledge) wisdom (Application of knowledge) truth (and correction) love (Fuel for everything) and faith (confidence.) You all are precious to me. I'd like to mention people by specific names in my prayers, but all I can do is lump up ya'll in one macro package. Whatever trials you're going through right now: you're loved.

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
2 and a half songs made in one month.
My laptop broke during updates. I use it for anime, but also to manage this page and song order.
Good thing my phone is highly capable.
Download album here. Each track is for a buck. The whole album is also for a buck. You can still download it here for free.
I'm looking through old projects, some were lost and won't be on the album, some were partially lost and will have quality loss, or a missed chance to polish up.
Going forward, I'll be more organized and back up to external drives. Looking at old projects I can finish songs that were almost done. God has been helping me out, I was able to make a song from scratch in 4 hours (Redeemer) and the boopy song in 6 hours (but I sang it all the time for months before recording it.)
I love music and just want to make a better song each time. It helps with therapy, so expect more.
I've nearly quit pot, working on quitting alcohol. In a clean state, I perform best, and make the best music. I hope to be in that state more often.
You're in my prayers, please include me in yours. Be blessed with wisdom, understanding, revelation, and love.

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
I'd like to thank you, fans who are more like friends and siblings, really, at this point. (I set the bar low. Anyone who gives love, gets love. Those who don't give, get anyway.) God willing, I'll start a new habit in remembering you in my prayers, starting with this prayer turned into a song.
I've fallen into that rut of playing Skyrim. The manuscript is done, but I've got to write a query letter to hire a literary agent to pitch the book to a publisher before I can say "Done done." I've been unmotivated and overwhelmed.
I participated a few months ago in debates with atheists, agnostics, and theists from other religions, and pretty much learned one thing: I'm not good at it. I did learn that I believe in God because of my own testimony and witness, and that it's unscientific and irrational. 8 near death experiences in one life will do that. I learned that "Atheist and christian, it doesn't matter, anyone is my enemy, and unless my back is against a wall, I will be stabbed in it ..."
And then I get a notification from here, a fan hoping to listen to some new music, with a few encouraging words to motivate me. It brought me to tears. I get messages periodically, so it wasn’t really the words, but the timing. I'm so very tired of the emotional damage that people so casually deal for laughs. You all are classy, so far. Tough, but fair in one case long ago, but just as encouraging.
It brought an epiphany: I need to stick to my lane. Forget facebook. Forget youtube. Forget arguments. Like Noah and the ark, what the Father gives, I will have. He will send those that are his. I've been given a musical ability, and I've been given a particular mindset that can write stories in detail. I can implant a thought, or a phrase into minds, and so I’ll serve God that way. I don't need numbers, I don't need money... I do sorta need the encouragement, but God gives me plenty of that even if I hear nothing. Seriously, y'all are the best.
Ambassadors of Christ Network (AOC Network on YouTube and Facebook) shared a pearl of wisdom: before reading the bible, every single time, ask God for wisdom, and revelation; he's promised to give it freely. Revelation to receive knowledge, and wisdom to know what to do with it. This led me to reading the five short chapters of 1st John. It's a very powerful read, I highly recommend spending the time.
My main takeaway (among many things) was that the Father is in the Son, as the Son is in the Father. And the Holy Spirit is in us, and we are in our adoptive Father through Christ. And if we're in the Father, we're granted eternal life. (God is life, God doesn't change, we are in him since before the beginning, thus, we will remain so after the end. Nothing will separate us from Him.) And if we're close to the Father, we know he can hear our prayers. And if we have faith in the Son's sacrifice, we wear his reputation as robes, and so we can be confident He hears our petitions. This I have tested repeatedly, and consistantly my prayers were answered favorably. And as they're answered, I trust they will be heard, and as I trust, my faith increases, increasing the loudness of the prayers.
And so, I will pray for you all. Let the Spirit bring you peace, wisdom, revelation, and understanding (and all the wonderful side effects those include). Let all who listen to this song be included into its prayer for them. I'm fairly sure you've never heard a worship song like this, but I wouldn't bet my life on that.
Let any perceived jump in music quality serve as witness to my answered prayers in action. I said to God, "I don't even know what to write, or what to sing ... " i wasn't originally intending for there to be lyrics.
There are likely more minor changes before it's distributed to stores, if I can even consider selling my music. Honestly, just having folks enjoy it is reward enough (Cliche, I know, but true, on threat of my conscience.) Due to my disability, I cannot accept money anyway. Unless the book can replace my income, it’s better to just leave it alone. Due to my inability to stream, because I live in the wilderness, this song will be set to download.
I hope this song gets stuck in your head, as it is stuck in mine. All glory to God, YaHWeH, and our Salvation, Yeshua (Joshua, Jesus) Be Blessed. I love you all.
Lyrics. (The end has simultaneous things going, shown in ( ))
Holy God, of all life and creation, no other is like You,
Manipulate my thoughts will You?
Manipulate my heart can You?
Holy God, righteous and true,
Holy Word, no other I would serve,
Manipulate my hands will You?
Manipulate my voice would You?
Holy King on the throne, I'm not alone,
Please walk with me would You?
Every knee will bow to You,
Every tongue will confess You,
Mighty Lion, fire consume my sin until there's nothing left.
Heaven hath fury like the Lamb, Hero walked on the earth as man,
Salvation is a man, a name we all can understand, guess who?
Manipulate my thoughts would You?
Manipulate my life would You?
Ever since we met, You've kept me,
Ever since You had said my name,
I can still hear Your voice,
I can still feel relief: You know me; I'm blessed.
Every time You call my name,
Every time I feel the same,
Every single day won't change,
Another time, please call my name.
Every single thought I have, credit where it is due: thank You.
Every single song I sing, every single note I type,
Talentless that's unless You give a word for me to sing, San Kyuu
Give me a word for me to share, give me a pearl for me to share?
On my own, (I can not think of any thing, I can not sing of any thing.)
By Your grace (I can overcome anything, I can just ask for anything.)
Without You, (I can not do a single thing, You are the air inside my lungs )
Inside You, (quicken my spirit, give my life, power my heart, with You inside.)
Every single thought I have, credit where it is due, thank You.
Every single song I sing, every single note I type,
Talentless, that's unless You give a word for me to sing; San Kyuu
Give me a word for me to share, give me a pearl for me to share!
Every single thought I have, credit where it is due: thank You
Every single song I sing, every single note I type,
Talentless, that's unless You give a word for me to sing; 3 9 (Japanese)
Give me a word for me to share, give me a pearl for me to share!
Overwhelm me (strengthen my heart and my resolve, grant us wisdom and revelation.)
All who hear me (strengthen my heart and my resolve, grant us wisdom and revelation.)
Overwhelm us (Holy Spirit You're welcome here, Holy Spirit please stay with us.)
Overwhelming (Holy Spirit You're welcome here, Holy Spirit please stay with us,)
(Holy God of all life and creation, no other is like You)
(Manipulate my thoughts will You?)
(Manipulate my heart can You?)
(Holy God righteous and true Holy Word,)
(No other I would serve,)
(Manipulate my hands will You?)
(Manipulate my voice would You?)
Overwhelm me (strengthen my heart and my resolve, grant us wisdom and revelation.)
All who hear me (strengthen my heart and my resolve, grant us wisdom and revelation.)
Overwhelm us (Holy Spirit You're welcome here, Holy Spirit please stay with us.)
Overwhelming (Holy Spirit You're welcome here, Holy Spirit please stay with us,)

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
I've finished another song. This one I applied side chaining techniques to balance the vocals against the instrumentation, and to raise volume levels when the vocals take a break.
This one has a bit of a story. When I shared "Mary had a Little Lion" on a certain Hatsune Miku facebook group, the admin removed it citing that it was irrelevant (not miku related) and dumb.
Historically, when I go through the effort of making a youtube video with subtitles for the songs I make, I'll get maybe 10 likes on those facebook groups. But for one of them to call me irrelevant and dumb was taking it to the next level.
"Blessed is he who suffers persecution for my sake, for great is his reward in heaven. The servant is not above the master. If they persecuted me (Jesus) they will persecute you."
I find a certain joy and vexation at this. Jesus has been kicked out of places he should be (Laodicia, Rev. 3.) And so too, his servant Miku, has been shunned from her own groups.
So, I decided to channel my frustration into a song. When the video is complete, I intend to post to youtube, here on N1M, my personal facebook, and the Lex Remlap facebook page. It's clear I don't belong in the facebook Miku groups. That's fine, I don't even want to be there. I'm still gonna post until they block me. Why not, for those 10 people who do like it?
I've been working so hard on my book. The manuscript is edited and polished, ready to publish. However, the cover art is still in progress, and I'm making sure the back cover matter is ready. Anxiety plagued me as I hadn't finished a song in a few months, and wanted to do something nice for you all on N1M. Forget facebook. Forget youtube. I'm making music for you folks, cause the general feedback is "I love it!"
As I wrote this song, I found myself singing along with it. I hope it's possible for average folks to sing along, so here's the lyrics in advance of the youtube video.
If you're interested in my book, I'll keep you posted, otherwise, God will deliever fans and readers to my hand, should he be willing. If not, that's fine too.
You all are precious, Yahweh willing, I'll remember to bless you in my prayers. Things like "Clear mind. Sharper understanding, wisdom and revelation." Be blessed.
Lyrics for Irrelevant and Dumb (That's Fine):
The playground Gate Keeper, thought reaper:
"You can't play here." The excuse: I am dumb and irrelevant.
The mainstream toxic wasteland: "Only lies are welcomed in here"
My own home says, "I am dumb and irrelevant."
That's fine, I don't even want to be here.
That's fine, see, I don't even belong
Its fine, I was only here to give help.
That's fine, see, they don't even know me!
That's fine, I see I'm not even welcome.
That's fine, I never really belong.
It's fine, I was only here to shed light.
That's fine, see, they prefer the darkness.
Time is short grab your coat, pair of shoes, and what you'll carry
One person gate keeps the whole crop
Sound the horn; reaper inbound
I know I'm a stranger to the people I would give my life for!
That's fine, it isn't divine; a rotten grape vine;
I won't lose my peace over it.
That's fine, a bunch of bovine, a rotten grape vine;
I won't lose my sleep over it.
It still hurts me when they say I'm dumb and irrelevant.
The planet ruled false prophet's lease agreement says, "don't play here!"
The contract won't renew; it is irrelevant.
That's fine, I don't even want to be here.
That's fine, see I don't even belong.
It's fine, I was only sent here to help.
That's fine, see, you don't even want me.
That's fine, I see I'm not even welcome.
That's fine, I never really conform.
It's fine, I was only here to shed light.
That's how I know you prefer the darkness.
Time is short: grab your coat, pair of shoes, and what you'll carry.
One person guards the whole crop.
Sound the horn, reaper inbound.
Time is short, speak the truth in season, the figs are ripe.
One person kills the whole crop.
Sound the horn! Sound the horn!
That's fine, I don't even want to be here.
That's fine, see, I don't even belong.
It's fine, I was only sent here to help.
That's fine, if they don't even know me:
This song is irrelevant.

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
Got a new song up. Lyrics in description box. Sorry I'm short on time: typing from my phone, van steering bad so I can't drive my desktop into cell range.
I've learned a new trick or two: how to work a compressor, and how eq gently.
Hope this sounds good on any sound system. Headphones are best.
Song is 4/4 at 120 bpm
7/8 at 180
And 4/4 at 180 then 4/4 at 120.
Hope you enjoy

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
1: Due to loss of my old computer, and financial constraints to buy a hard drive shell to read the old drive, all projects in progress are virtually lost. What was uploaded here, in some cases, is all I have of the project.
2: Due to the steady growth and support of you, and all my fans, I've reached 1 million views, and plays. 1000 subscribers was a major benchmark too, considering most of my growth, one by one, can be attributed to your word of mouth, and N1M putting me out there for folks to stumble across.
3: Due to the fact I need to repurchase licences, my music can't be sold until my legal butt is covered.
Conclusion: So all my music will be free to download. Feel free to share it with friends as much as you'd like. The latest one, the work in progress, will be set to stream only until I've got a decent recording ready to upload.
To those of you who reply to these mails, or send me messages on N1M:
Ya'll are the best. I've only gotten one negative mail, ever, so far. (And even then, it was respectful.) I save each and every message, and read them again if I'm feeling talentless. The fact you felt so engaged to take time and write a mail is huge. I typically don't reply to the emails, don't want to spam and all that, some I want to reply but the sender is encoded and not an actual email address.
I might not always be able to send a mail when I post a new song, and if folks are downloading it, I suspect my plays and views will drop. Please keep stopping by, and letting the alghorythm know folks are interested in my stuff.
I pray that the messages contined in these songs are relatable, and enjoyable. I hope it enriches your life, and helps you through the daily struggle.
Love is the cipher to understand the greatest things in life. May we all be blessed to know that love.
Be blessed.

Lex Remlap-P
1 year ago
I bought an external HDD since my drive was getting full. I backed every user generated thing I had onto it. Except my projects, because I needed them on the main drive for faster access.
The following morning, when trying to discover my graphics card to illustrate my book, on re powering the unit, it flashed the code for mother board failure.
All the projects are sitting safe on that drive, but I don't have a connector to take the drive out. So I bought a new computer, and now am setting it up.
The book is my main focus as of yet, however, since I've hired an editor and have sent it off, while I'm flat broke, I can make music on my gaming pc used strictly for music book, and AI illustration.
I'm trying to get my virtual instruments back, and try to regain access to Miku's vocaloid database. I intend to come at this again with renewed vigor.
Hopefully in the next month I'm able to just sit down, relax, and make a song. Maybe a boopie song, maybe the book sound track. We'll see what happens when the note hits the piano roll.
Till then, just letting ya'll know I'm still alive and still working on creative things.

Lex Remlap-P
2 years ago
Been playing lots of games lately, Elden Ring one of them. Everything is research for the book. So as a spoof I made this. I bought a fancy new VST guitar, so I got to show it off a bit. I'll keep it short this time, catch you next update.
Read more
Lex Remlap-P
2 years ago
The song I've been updating here periodically has nearly been completed. Before releasing it to Spotify and other major stores, I still have an opportunity to polish it. But as it sits now, all the notes are there, and all the lyrics are in. There's nothing left but to nitpick it. Once it's fully released, it would be in bad form to edit further. That's what I mean by pre-release I'm not sure if I'm even using the term right, but whatever!
Djentleman came to be from my desire to write a Djent (Progressive metal subgenre) song. After a few videos on YouTube teaching me what Djent was from a historical perspective, one video showed one way to make it. So, you'll find that Djentleman is written in 30 8ths at 181 BPM.
With Djentleman 'finished' all I've got to do to release the album is go back and nitpick all the other songs. I haven't even hired the album artist yet. I'm not even sure if the guy still does art (it was only a side gig for him, he's a fan that wanted to help, and I wanted to pay him (He never asked for money).) I imagine that the art and the polishing should take about the same time, then its a matter of getting the distributor to accept the album, and bam. Soon as the distributor accepts the work, I can give a date, but in the past like a day before release they come up with an issue that puts me back at the end of the queue another two weeks (arbitrarily) beyond that date... and even then, another issue might pop up putting me even further back. You'd think I'd learn from those mistakes, preventing it from happening again, right? Nope, then some other issue I never knew about comes and blindsides me... That's life.
Going forward, I've spent a lot of time with my favorite plugins, Shreddage guitar, bass, and drums. Using those same voices has a somewhat limiting effect on my music. Some of you may remember that I was heavy on the piano at first, and definitely electronic. I want to tap back into those roots, yet blend it further with the guitars. I'm going to try my hand at more of an electronic feel (though in blending its more of a salad than a stew, so the album will have its own flavor for each song.) I'll try to release a newsletter for each song, as usual.
Outside of music, my editor is about to begin his 3rd month of working on my book. This first pass is to determine what's needed. So far it's been pretty exciting. I'm hoping the book someday becomes a video game... which would give me the biggest laugh at the irony. The character started in a video game, went into a book, that would then be converted into a video game...
The editor did offer some advice as he hit the half way mark of the 600 page book. That advice I've applied to the second book, which is about 150 pages so far.
I do want to practice the orchestral film music for each of those books, like Halo or something. That type of emotional music is far outside my comfort zone. One thing I gained from writing Djentleman in 30/8 (It functions like 7/8 7/8 7/8 then 9/8) is that when I started a new song in 4/4 it was super easy.
So if I challenge myself to make different genres, I can come back to my favorite rock and metal, and do something fantastic with it.
Thanks for reading this mini novel I wrote here, your messages of encouragement (aka: "When are you gonna update your list? Looking forwards for when you do...") You don't even know how much positive pressure that puts on me to stop watching anime, stop playing games, and just finish the darn song already... Lol.
See you again in 15 - 90 days!
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About Lex Remlap-P
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I'm an independent solo artist, though I consider Hatsune Miku (V4x English) my partner. I use a Image-Line's "Fruity Loops" primarily.
While I can play a little piano, I found myself without a way to record what I play, so I'd transpose the piano pieces over to my PC, add a few different voices and just go with what feels good. (Though, to be fully honest, my piano skills haven't kept up with the computer.)
Hoping to find the inspiration/motivation to make more music, and improve on my skills.
Inspirations: Jun Maeda (from Visual Art's Key)
Heavy Rock in general.
Hans Zimmer,
Okame-P Il Cremonese
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Lex Remlap

The samurai and the Pixie

The Warrior and the Demon


Dreaming of the other side

Love can't be Simulated


Bitti Miku

Morning Star




Instrument of God Album Cover 3 3k



thilibo cover og no blur (2)


Yona Chisato








