Lou Pizzi
Ireland, Donegal

About Lou Pizzi
Lou Pizzi was born in Italy in Milan, and brought up near Portofino in Liguria on the Italian Riviera. As a young teenager he played football for AC Milan Juniors, which meant returning to live in Milan. Unfortunately he was forced to give up football before the age where he could play for the adult team.
While living in Como in the north of Italy, Lou wrote for the same Italian singer for years, and together they had success with a number of albums, the press even nicknamed Lou “the poet of song writing”. One of their songs was used as the theme music for a TV programme, and Lou was often interviewed on radio and even TV.
In 2000 Lou moved back to Liguria to be near the sea, “the inspiration and poetry” for his songs and paintings, and as his partner, Jill was from Northern Ireland they started dividing their time between Italy and Ireland. They still do.
In 2009 Lou recorded a demo of 14 songs hoping to find a new outlet for them.
This was just Lou singing and playing the guitar, with no orchestra or band to “fill out” the music, but Jill managed to persuade him to put them on internet as they are. The result has been amazing. Many people have written saying how much they enjoy the songs and some have even mentioned his “wonderful words”.
That is why Lou’s songs are now available to buy as an album.
Lou writes in both English and Italian, and in the case of some songs has versions in both languages.
The paintings used for the songs are all Lou's own work.
My music is available on Google Play, Amazon, iTunes, Spotify and more. Unfortunately the distributor has put a high price on it and there is nothing I can do about that. I just wanted you to know the price is not my choice!
Hi folks, sorry but I joined to see what this was like,but have no time to promote anyone, including myself, or answer messages. My partner and I have health issues and that takes priority. Please forgive.
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