Talented drummer of LQR. Also responsible for the LQR-website (www.lqr.nl) and all the shirt-, cover-designs.
Mark Kremers
Former bassplayer. Now leadsinger and entertainer of LQR.
Paul van den Boomen
Background VocalistBassist
Brilliant guitarplayer plays bass at LQR. Played in a lot of bands in different genres, from symphonic rock, alternative, jazz, country, etc.
Wim van Doren
Played in several rock/metal bands before ending up in LQR. Responsible for the rock-elements in LQR
Tim Maas
Also guitarplayer in Simply Folk. He's responsible for the folk-feel in LQR.
Arjan Bogaerts
Booking AgentComposerMusician
Started at the age of 9. Played in several bands (polka, zydeco, etc.) before he started LQR. Composer of most of the LQR material. Also manager and promotor.