Lucas Masterfield
Brazil, São Paulo

About Lucas Masterfield
Lucas Masterfield was born in São Paulo, Brazil and he is a musical producer and composer.
In 2011 he released the concept album "Bi" in which he recorded all the instruments, vocals and remastered all the tracks.
In the songs of this work, Lucas Masterfield played drum machine, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, Neapolitan mandolin, keyboard and diatonic and chromatic harmonicas.
The songs of "Bi" are songs with introduction, theme, development of melodies that tell different stories ... and improvisations.
The vocals of the songs are syllables without literal meaning in any language. It's PRIMAL!!
The voice is used only as another instrument to compose the counterpoints and the harmony.
"Bi" is a musical work influenced by Tom Jobim, Bach, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and others; and in the songs it is evidenced that there is influence of Funk Rock, Fantasy and Alternative Rock; but often, Lucas Masterfield songs are classified as Futuristic Rural Rock and Primal Rock..
"BI" is also a numerical prefix denoting two (binary), and the artist tries through his music to represent dualities such as: white vs. black; analogue vs. digital; past x future ..
So .. Turn up the volume, listen to the sound and enjoy !!!
Ahhhh ... There's a legend that says Lucas Masterfield has Indian blood running in his veins !!
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