Tra le stanze di seta - Corrado Halo
Song Reviews
good afternoon sorry it took me so long to review your song I really like this song is very unique remind me of a movie just very unique well put together continue to make grey music keep on sharing with me and never stop being creative and never be afraid to go to the next level. I grew up listen to all genres of music I like all styles of music my favorite is Gospel Christian just to name a few. keep me posted on any new song he may be working all I got coming out once again thank you so so much for sharing your music with me hope you're having a wonderful week so far enjoy the rest of your week and have a blessed upcoming weekend and may God bless you and I'll let you go to doing
United States, California, Every Where
reminds me of what could be in Jesus's day., when not so much hate death greed and no natural affection, I am an artist a painter, an auto restorator creator, airbrush artist, .i rarely read, the feeling of the word, but feel the meaning of the feel of this of the words., it is from the soul, you have a very nice voice and arrangement, you have godly qualities, this is very romantic, for a dance with your queen soul mate, elegant beautiful thank you for blessing me with your talents, be safe.jehovah is the highest, ps 83 18
United States, New Mexico, alburque
Beautiful . Bellisimo .
Molto bello . Bellisimo . Very Nice ! Congratulation ! I like it a lot ! Baccio Faby Hola no se si entiendes español , pero me gusto mucho tu cancion , muy linda , muchas gracias por compartir . Exitos Luca !
United States, Florida, Miami
ciao Luca
eccoci qua..giochiamo tanto che abbiamo da perdere?... la tua poesia la conoscevo già... la tua maestria con le parole la leggo sempre nei tuoi post... per quanto riguarda questo brano che dire ...rispecchia ciò che ho già espresso.. forse il sound è un pò datato e la voce non mi cattura... ma seguendo il testo si vede chiaro il film... come sempre bravo... ciao
Italy, Aulla
This is the first time I’ve listened to a song on N1M and been genuinely impressed. The guitar playing and string sounds are very well executed, the timing moves beautifully and thoughtfully, the production and quality of the song is spacious and clear, and the vocal carries it along nicely. The vocal arrangement style of the chorus is unconventional, possibly done on purpose to be different? Although I don’t have enough language knowledge to know what the song is about, the feel of the song is plenty to be drawn in to the nostalgic longing it evokes. I can see this song being well received to be licensed for European films. I also enjoyed the tonality of the instrument used for the melody hook line, which could be some kind of double stringed guitar or traditional lute? A thoughtfully crafted piece of work, well done.
United States, Arizona, Tempe
Hi Luca, My Italian is rusty, but when i stumbled upon your song, I was impressed. The sound of your voice is very emotional and moving. I wish I understood the lyrics! Buon Fortunado con tua musica!
United States, Louisiana, New Orleans
Tra le stanze di seta - Corrado Halo
Es tut mir leid da ich den Text nicht verstehe aber die Harmonien und die Stimme passt sehr gut zu dieser Classischen Interpretation dieses Songs. Die Stimme kommt sehr einfühlsam rüber und macht das Lied sehr angenehm zu hören.
Germany, Petershagen
Great Song
Your Song was very awesome and I really like it. Your Vibes are really good. One thing that I missed are good effects in the Voices the make it perfekt. How much time you make Music? Cheers from Germany
Germany, Stuttgart
Fantastic arranged song
Brilliant composition with classical textures in style of contemporary music. Virtuos introduction with acoustic guitar arpeggios and genuinely well-played violins. Engaging violin and chello ensemble increases this song and sounds really symphonic. The whole orchestration in different parts of the arrangemend sounds really beautiful together and creates a great space in the backing. All instruments really stand out. The songtext comes from the heart and the wonderful played acoustic guitar carries the recording. The music is definitely professional and very creative and try to exploited the possibilities of major-minor tonality throughout circle of fifths. This overall really epically recording is perfect mixed and mastered. I really like this song and can see why you're rank #1 on N1M. Love your music ;-)
Germany, Hamburg
Luca Viviani
This song is reminiscent of the classical art songs such as Autumn Leaves. There is a poem more present here chosen over the lyric type pop song and It works in this minor key, has a sense of wanting and longing for, a story of a beautiful love that would never fully be complete, and although I can't break down the lyric word for word for concise structure and content, there writer left one wanting more, possibly a bridge, (in this case the shortness of the song works in their favor), there is verse - chorus, verse - chorus, sung over a repetitive descending bass line of four chordal positions. Strings are interlaced throughout bringing a sense of sophistication and sensitivity, depth and dynamics. The recording is professional, and the mastering is well done. Everything can be heard clearly. Keep up the good work. Ciao!
United States, California, Los Angeles
Musicalità mediterranea
La musicalità arabeggiante ricorda Battiato, ma anche un po' De Andrè, il duetto con la voce femminile è appena accennato ma piacevole ad udirsi, il testo non è anche privo di spunti riflessivi.
Italy, Monfalcone, Trieste
Soft melancolia
Luga Vivani touch my soul ! I don't understand any words of this song but the melancoly emerging from the entire thing is very charming, The beauty of his warm voice and the soft flow of his music is a kind of a perfect mix !
Canada, Quebec, Montréal-est
Classic Italian Charmer
Classic Italian sound. The male singer has a fabulous melodic voice and sings every word with clarity and conviction. There's a spoken intimacy to the delivery with subtle melodic intricacies. I do not speak Italian and cannot comment on the lyrics themselves but the tune is concise and the arrangement is tight. Lovely classical guitar harmonies, gentle legato strings, soft orchestral flourishes, all support the classic romantic feel of the track. Everything is well recorded and mixed. If you enjoy classic Italian variety/pop, be sure to give this a listen. This crooner might win you over!
United States, California, Los Angeles
Canción elegante, preciosa la música y la selección de instrumentación todo metido con gusto sin abusos instrumentales, todo perfecto. No le encuentro nada malo a la canción. La voz sin alardes, suave a veces parece desgarrarse, además de cantado con sentimiento y los coros perfectos muy suaves e introducidos de manera muy elegante. Canción perfecta para disfrutar un buen rato. Gracias por su música.
Spain, Sevilla
In MY Opinion
Greetings, Luca. Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning another's creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is very crisp and bright and clear, I really enjoyed the soft quiet music. Vocals are smooth and natural, sort of - down to earth as they say, and extremely peaceful. Timing seems off for the back-up singers. The mix levels let me know who was still in charge of this song. Very easy to sit back and listen to. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny
United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT
Una bella ballata per navigare tra sogni e leggende
Un buon lavoro, musicalmente si stacca abbastanza dalle opere di De Andrè pur richiamandone lo stile. Arrangiamento non troppo pesante, non interferisce con la voce pur senza mancare di complesse trame di arpeggi. La voce è sicuramente gradevole nel timbro ma l'unico appunto che faccio è nella gestione delle note basse che sono un po' troppo evidenziate. Comunque mi sembra che 4,5 sia un buon risultato e ancora si può migliorare. Good Luck Daddy Joe (Beppe Pallard)
Italy, Turin
Review by Tara
The melody is absolutely beautiful! I am not sure what Luca Viviani is saying. However, it sounds like a romance mixed with a little mystery and drama. I may be wrong. But I definitely love the melody. Keep up the amazing work!
United States, Alabama, Mobile
Tra Le Stanza Di Seta is beautiful
Opening is a beautiful mix of strings and guitar. Well done Luca! Your playing is wonderful. Corrado's baritone voice is a very good match with your music in this song. I wish I knew your language so I could tell you more. I enjoyed the song very much!
United States, North Carolina, Fayetteville