He keeps His Word:
Hello there;
I send my love and greetings to you friends and want to wish you a wonderful year end. I know most of us have not done half of what we promised ourselves at the beginning of the year. Some of us, it is because we were not always well or the family member was not well or just postponing. Remember God knew before you started planning how much you would achieve, so he still knows how much you did not do and when you will accomplish it all. It all will happen at His Will, be patient and have faith on The God Almighty.
Read Deuter. 29 : 2 - 9. It is very easy for us to take everything for granted and forget all the battles that we fought and won, all the days that like the children of Israel, The Lord God fed us and provided us with escort when we were alone. If everything went smooth as we had planned, we would beat our chests and forget The King of Kings. Read 2 Corinth. 12 v. 7-9.
I thank you very much for all the support.
May God give you all your heart's desires during the coming year.