Botswana, Gaborone
N1M © 2003—2024
8 years ago
Good Morning Friends;
These are the words that I use to myself every morning and repeat them to all that I greet during the day. I will tell you, even my enemy has been forced to smile. First of all the word 'good morning' calms the other person and if it is afternoon or evening, it will surely make them laugh and quietly you have won them. Read Proverbs 16 : 7
We have been practising obedience which is above knowledge, I use the word practise because for you to succeed in it you will have to make it part of your life, of course by reading the word of God and living a Christ like life. A person who is obedient, is a humble person and a person of integrity. This is a person who does not change his or her personality under pressure or when offended. Put this very person regardless of his or her class under pressure or offence, then the coats and titles will be thrown through the window and the really person surfaces. Reading Matthew 5 ; from verse 14 we realise that as the light of the world, we should show the world that we are living Christ like lives by our works.
Leaving you for now under Lord God's care.
Love in Christ;
8 years ago
Greetings friends, in The Name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Yes we want to all familiarise ourselves with the word obedience. Who should we obey?
The first person you should obey is you. It is easy to do anything you want so much that at the end it ends up being a habit. The next people will and shall obey will be your parents because to us they represent our Father in Heaven. If you can not obey your parents it will be almost impossible to obey God that you imagine, for you have never seen him. Naturally when this is your habit it will be natural to obey your teachers, pastors, strangers and of course your friends.
Obeying God will start by reading His Word repeatedly, slowly with an understanding until The Word becomes part of your Life. Meditate on the Word, Joshua 1 verses 7 to 8. Read also Psalms 119 verses 97 to 104. Obedience is the key to all you want on earth. Make yourself familiar with the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. It took them 40 years a journey that could have taken them a few years. Look at Lot's wife etc. Now look at Ruth a Moabite, obeying Naomi made her marry Boaz an Israelite and in her linage kings like David and of course Our Lord Jesus Christ are found.
Obey THE WORD OF GOD and The Sky will be your Limit. Since Heaven is in your heart and Our Lord Jesus Christ will of course make your heart His Home.
Leaving you with Christ's Love.
8 years ago
Greetings friends in Christ,
It is God's favour that I can get this chance to share with you what My Father has invested in me and glad to find you well.
Read Psalms 27 V 13 - 14.
I said previously in my writings that we need Love and Oneness, then I said that You better keep Getting up.
Today I say Obedience is better than Sacrifice, all of these topics point us to LOVE, FAITH and TRUTH which are God Himself.
I want to start by pointing out that before all these can be fulfilled by you, you should first make a research of yourself. That is Who you are, that is what your beliefs are. What influences you etc. If you believe in God that is, that He sent His only begotten Son who died for you and cleansed you of all your sins on The Cross then, you are on the narrow road that few are on. The next thing will be to make sure that you hold no offence against anybody I mean including yourself. That means, like we said last time, that forgive everybody and yourself ( this gives you freedom to LOVE, have FAITH and Truth ). THE JOB IS HALF DONE because I am sure without THE HOLY SPIRIT all this will be impossible. He will do the rest if you let Him. By the way you have to invite THE HOLY SPIRIT because HE will not force His way in you that is in your heart.
1 Samuel 12 v 23 ;
Living you in Christ Our Lord.
8 years ago
Greetings in Christ;
Yes it is a long time since we talked, but as you know that it is all in God's time, I am with you now.
Read James 5 : 16
It will surprise you when you look at your life finding that perhaps the situation you are in is because you have not forgiven yourself or someone else. Forgiveness is in itself Love and Faith and these are Lord God Almighty Himself.
I am sure that you have been reading my last letter and scratching your head as to what it is that God has given you or put in your spirit that you have not discovered. Do not worry, ask Him. Ask the Holy Spirit and He will lead you and will reveal that gem. It might not be now but one day (plotlisch ) you will be shown and taught.
Now the next thing might holding offences, not forgiving somebody. This can delay this revelation, so now if I were you I would compile a list of all those that have touched my life and start apologising regardless of whether I was wrong or right.
Remain with Love and Oneness till we meet in Christ Jesus.
8 years ago
Therefore, put on the every piece of God's armor so you can be able to resist the enemy in time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Ephesians 6 : 13
2016 we have said that, it is a year when we will be rewarded as long as we do what we love.
What is that which we love? It is what God has put deep in our spirits or hearts, that which we did not learn in school, that which when you do we will wonder where we got it from and who taught us. That which we love and have joy as we do because it comes without a sweat. By the way that will be our gift and talent from God The Father.
The only problem is that we spend 3/4s of our lives learning what we are not gifted on ignoring what God has put in us. This we should discover. If we discover this gem our school and University is in God Himself.
I got mine at a very late age "music" and you can find yours if you ask The Holy Spirit to help you.
Love you in Christ.
8 years ago
Hello Friends,
Have surely missed you very much, but since you listen to my voice every minute am sure even if I disappear for sometime I am forgiven. God bless you and give your heart's desire.
Yes Our Lord demands Oneness and Love first to Himself then to our neighbours Mark 12 verses 29 to 31.
It is sometimes hard to know who our neighbour is, since to some of us we think is a house next door. Sometimes you find it not necessary to even know those neighbours, but here it is, everyone around you is your neighbour and that of course will include that very enemy of yours. The one who insulted, beat you or even stole from you, all are your neighbours and deserve your LOVE and Oneness.
2016 is a year of Reward. This is a year when we expect The Lord God Almighty to give us all that we lost in past years. He will only do that if we obey His Laws, Commandments and Statutes. Let us not do like The Israelites in the old Testament who always forgot who their God was.
I expect all of you to receive what you deserve, as we shall be rewarded by Our Father for all our charities that were not rewarded in the past, that is, "Could we all do what we Love please".
Love in Christ.
8 years ago
With Love do I greet you my beloved friends.
I want to apologise for disappearing on you all on my site Maj with all the songs that you loved so much.
Realising that it is in 2weeks 2016 you can be rest assured I am coming with vengeance not of harm but of LOVE.
The songs you loved will be back soon and you will enjoy them just like before.
To the serious stuff now.
Please read John 17 from the first verse to the last. This is THE PRAYER OF JESUS CHRIST our Lord and saviour.
He prays THE FATHER, GOD ALMIGHTY to accept us and Love us as He Loves Him. He wants us to Love God first then Love one another. His wish is that we should be one as HIM and His FATHER are one.
After reading John 17 please go back and start from chapter 13 to 17. When you have understood these go back and read the whole book of John. you can now read all the Gospels and hear what OUR MASTER and FATHER wants us to understand about THE KINGDOM of HEAVEN and His coming to the Earth.
You have only a few days before entering 2016 an exciting year to us as Christians.
Have GOD's LOVE and Blessings as you enter 2016. Stay focused and practising Oneness and Love.
I thank you for your love and support.
Love in Christ.
9 years ago
Hello there;
I send my love and greetings to you friends and want to wish you a wonderful year end. I know most of us have not done half of what we promised ourselves at the beginning of the year. Some of us, it is because we were not always well or the family member was not well or just postponing. Remember God knew before you started planning how much you would achieve, so he still knows how much you did not do and when you will accomplish it all. It all will happen at His Will, be patient and have faith on The God Almighty.
Read Deuter. 29 : 2 - 9. It is very easy for us to take everything for granted and forget all the battles that we fought and won, all the days that like the children of Israel, The Lord God fed us and provided us with escort when we were alone. If everything went smooth as we had planned, we would beat our chests and forget The King of Kings. Read 2 Corinth. 12 v. 7-9.
I thank you very much for all the support.
May God give you all your heart's desires during the coming year.
9 years ago
1 Samuel 13 : 5-
This is a very interesting chapter and I like it very much, for how many times do we read the Word of God and never really take note of the meaning to our lives.
The Children of Israel, especial Saul their king must have known God from his forefathers, the number of times God got angry with them because they did not follow his instructions thus got punished.
Impatience, in ability to see beyond our immediate situations and not waiting for God's time in what ever we need or want to do at that moment is the cause of most of our failure and disappointment.
Never instruct God , no matter how agent your matter is.
Wait in Faith for without Faith it is impossible to please God.
Read also how Paul is saying to the Corinthians.
2Corinth. 7 : 7 - 11
Sending you LOVE in Jesus' Name.
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