There's Hope

Happy Pills

Song Reviews


 This song is really appreciated. The characters of the song are so auspicious and stupendous that I had to revolve it around motivated Repeat listening sessions. I automatically actually activated more than enough infatuation for this song. This song is really appreciated. The characters of the song are so auspicious and stupendous that I had to revolve it around motivated Repeat listening sessions. I automatically actually activated more than enough infatuation for this song.

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Your musiz

Toyyjtnrrrr r. Rrbdhrjrjhdf f f dddhdjddjr rt rbrhhrrhrr d d d dbdbdb d dd dbdhshhwwwuwuauausuawuwuwuwuwwwhwhehehehheegegeyeyehehewwbe e ew we. W swbahwahahahahahahahahahwhahwhhwheheheheehyeyeysyseyyeysyeyeehegehheheheehhea

United States, Texas, Houston

Friendly ciritism

This is a great record. Your voice is amazing. Would love to work with you being that I am a producer and engineer. What sticks out to me more than anything is mainly production and engineering....I think in certain spots especially in the hook I would have liked to hear more verb and delay and in some spots in the verses. It's good to keep your vocals somewhat dry but then to give it more pizzazz throw in those delays and verbs to fill it out more ......bare with me because I'm only hearing it through my phone so I wasnt able to hear it through my studio monitors. Now in the production I think it needs a different transition on how you are ride the beat....maybe when the hook comes in you can incorporate a different drum pattern. You know that song by hit maker with pnb rock contagious I believe it's called the way those drums hit somewhat similar to what I can hear the second that hook comes in.

United States, New Jersey

Like the soul

This is one of those tracks that have potential, I think the only thing that bothered me was the piano came I'm fast, I was looking for some equal fast vocals to keep up with the tempo you have, I wish I could show you what I'm talking about. The song is very soulful, vocals are on point, I was just looking for a different type of tempo to the verses, but all in all a nice song????

United States, Pennsylvania, York

Pretty good

This is a very good song. Your voice is amazing. I would suggest in the beginning that beat needs to change or just allow the piano do its think with your vocals then bring The rest of the music in. But other than that great job.

United States, Mississippi

Keep it up!

The song is uplifting, I like it! I feel your emotion and you Express yourself in a powerful way. We need more music like this offering and reminding us all that at the end of the day there is hope! J.

United States, Indiana, Indianapolis

Great Song, Great Voice

Hey Malaika, First of all thank you sharing your song with me. I LOVE your voice! It prints very nicely (meaning your voice was made to be recorded!) You have the kind of voice that would make me want to listen to every song if you had an album out. I still call it an album :-) Or I'd listen to every song of yours in your playlist. You have that voice that reminds me of Corinne Baily Rae or India Arie. Is that you doing all of the backgrounds? It has to be. Those harmonies are very locked in to your lead vocal. I love how relaxed you are when you sing. You're very comfortable in your own skin. That's the best way to sing. Sing for yourself first, and everyone else will love it when they hear your voice. asked if it were my song, what would I change, etc. Honestly I wouldn't have to listen to it from that perspective. I listen to your song, first, as a singer. And I would not change a thing! From a music arranger and music producer point of view, if I were producing this song, I would try a couple of different approaches. One approach would be to not start off with a busy keyboard intro. One, there's no where to build the music from there. Music is always about the lyrics. You want the listener to hear and feel what you're saying without being distracted by busy music accompanying your voice. The more things instrumentally that the listener has to get through to clearly hear your words, the less they're going to hear lyrically. So, my suggestion, if I were producing your recording session, would be one, have the piano block the chords at the beginning. Maybe just a subtle meloncholy stroke of the chord, just one chord with a little sustain for each intro bar. Second, I would cut the intro in half. Just a 4 bar subtle piano intro and then you come right in. Sing the first verse with only the stroke of the chord at the beginning of each bar. Then on the 2nd half of the 1st verse (unless it's 2 verse before the chorus) but when you go into the next verse the piano could play more of an arpeggio thing,,,,with the drums coming in....but maybe just a drum brush ( not a drum stick) swirling around the top of the snare, while playing very light quarter notes on the high hat. And when the beat comes in, say on the chorus, it should just be a kick drum lightly on the 1 and the 3 of each bar. Kick-2-Kick-4... (4 beats each bar)... and the snare is hit on the 2 and 4. That's my only main critique of the song...the drums don't lock into the the groove... very abstract and distracting.... I hope this makes sense. And I hope you're ok with my input. You have a beautiful voice Malaika.

United States, New York, New York

In MY Opinion

Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning another's creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is very crisp and bright and clear, Consider adding a touch of processing on your vocals. Not singing in a tunnel, more natural sound, but, not dry and flat either. I really enjoyed the message and piano work in this song.Think about a music solo break to step away from vocals for a short period in future works. Vocals are smooth and natural, sort of - down to earth as they say, and extremely peaceful. The mix levels let me know who was still in charge of this song. Very easy to sit back and listen to. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny

United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT

Great Song ???????? ???? ✌????!

"There's Hope" is a great song by you Malaika Avi. I also enjoyed some others you have posted, so keep pushing your music. Sounds amazingly magnificent. "THERE IS HOPE!" Much ???? Respect Always!!! SHED

United States, Georgia, Barney

Keep ya foot on d gas

I want to start out by saying that I think your extremely talented! I'm a huge fan of creativity as well as originality and both were displayed on this song. Beat I would of wanted a lil faster wit a 808. Overall great job I'd work wit yu! Stay fokused

United States, New York, Syracuse

I love it!

I love the intro! it's really my type of music.. I love the contrast between the design of the piano and the beats! For my taste I really wouldn't change anything in the beat. Maybe I would enrich it with more choruses sometimes, and what about a cello that makes another melody towards the end of the song? (ok maybe I'm obsessed with violins, cellos etc) :D About the voice I've got nothing to say, you're obviously a professional singer. Great job!

There’s Hope Review

Song sounds great! Strong song and strong beat. Great vocals. Answering your question about what I change about the beat I would make it a little different in each verse to make the verses sound more unique maybe breaking it down a little. But track sounds strong with no changes. Thanks for sharing!

United States, Washington D.C., Washington D.C.

Classy & Cool

Really love this one right from the start the piano is catching and moving, I really like your choice of drum tack for this one, it gives it a more current feel and also allow you to crossover and reach a more broader audience. to be totally honest it was the piano that captured me but the drum tack that kept me. Because of this excellent mix I would listen to it more than once. The vocals are really good on point perfect for this style of song, in truth it gives hope,so I wouldn't change a thing.Neo soul listeners would really loved this track.

United States, Florida, Orlando

Interesting rythm

Hello Malaika. I really like the rhythmic shift of the drum in relation to the piano sequence. It creates a disturbance, an interesting instability. Of course, it's to the detriment of an immediately accessible groove, but at the same time, it's off the beaten track. What's more, it allows us to focus on the groove of your voice. It's very well thought out. I don't understand the lyrics (I'm French) and I regret that. As for the voice, there's a very good feeling. Congratulations, I wish you all the best.

Israel, Tel Aviv

Remarkable Song and style

Well done recording starts off with beautyful played accompany piano. Malaika Avi unique dynamic voice and brilliant vocal projection makes this outstanding composition complete. Important message of the song makes the meaning of the song engaging for me. The lyrics sung with great passion goes to the heart and touching the soul. Overall great ambitious arrangement, but the additional sounds and tunes vanishing in the backing. The up-tempo groove is fine, but the bass need more brilliance. Impressive chorus and songwriting and this song could be a radio hit, when some more work in mixing and mastering is done. Nevertheless it´s worth listening and I´m sure many will like to add it.

Germany, Hamburg

Don't Change A Thing

It's perfect the way it is. I love it. Beautiful song especially these days. Keep doing what you're doing love. Would love to share your music on my YT channel only if I have your approval. Peace and blessings :)

United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Modern soul

This romantic song has a contemporary soul structure, but with elements from thevgospel's chorus and the piano at the begin is interesting. You have a particular style. I like your voices.

Italy, Monfalcone, Trieste


Unless this is a cover song, the melody and your voice is almost FANTASIA. I probably would take that beat from her song and put more on it. 1st thing I heard is "When I See You" and being she is my issue, I was thinking about her more than your lyrics. Guess what tho? It's a amazingly beautiful song. You are a very talented songbird. Covers are great! In my experience an artist should limit how many other artist's beats they use. Most of the time a popular song that's trending will be used. You made a good choice. Just tweak the melody, it will still work and be even more amazing. I'm rooting for you too.

United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Theres hope

Hey malaika. This song is really amazing. I feel your lyrics coming from your heart and I honestly wouldn't change too much about this song. Great message for the people and great quality. Keep pushing forward beautiful. ????????. Stay healthy. -16

United States, New York, Amityville





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