CD Spinning Globes finally as Digital Download!
Hello dear fans,
how are you all doing these days!
I have been away for a long gave me a bit of a d-tours with lots of learning curves and valuable lessons.
I learned one thing...Stick to my guns.
Being a musician and a messenger in training people to benefit more of their daily breathing i returned back to creating music.
(Note. playing didgeridoo made me solve my asthma and sleep apnea problem and even made me mentally stronger to deal with my burnout back in the 90ties.)
As many have asked where to buy my tracks of Spinning Globes.for my friends.
Well today i have the answer to that and that is at my online store.
All the tracks on my N1M page will be there too with in the coming two months.
As the previous journey has been very challenging financial and emotional is has giving me plenty of inspiration to start composing new songs. So i will now keep you updated on the music progresses on these projects.
My first project will be making a video or even webinar about: The Story behind the track. A series of videos where i will finally share with the proces of what made me create Spinning Glbbes and all my other tracks.
For now i would say GO visit my store and support my music by downloading my CD Spinning Globes for my friends.