Love will get your heart

Under the Honey Moon

Song Reviews

Good Content


In some ways, music is a lot like literature. It can be pleasing, enlightening, even life-changing. A great song,like a great book, affects the listener in unanticipated ways and resonates long after the music has ceased. And, if done well, both music and literature have a rhythm and tone unique to their authors; you wouldn't confuse a passage from a Charles Dickens novel with one fromaHarry Potterbook, nor would you mistake a verse from "A Hard Day's Night" for one from a Lady Gaga song.But how do you describe your favorite song? How do you put its melody into words or explain the beauty of its chords? How do you begin to describe the emotions that it provokes in you?As the maxim goes, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." In other words, despite the similarities between literature and music, conveying sound through text is a challenge,even for the most talented of writers

Jamaica, Kingston

Great Job


Hello, Marion. Wow! What a set of chops you have there. While listening to Love Will Get Your Heart, I found myself waiting for Lionel Ritchie to join in, but then reminded myself that I wasn't listening to the radio. I love your sound, and your voice is simply amazing. The production was done well, but if it were tracked out and remixed and remastered that tune would be ready for the radio. You have a very commercial sound. In fact, I think you're ready for the Grand Old Opera or Dollywood. Seriously, you're that good. I can tell you've been at it for awhile. Keep up the excellent work and you should go far.

United States, Illinois, Chicago

Great song

I really enjoyed listening to your song.... it has a great story, great lyrics.... nice tone ... really nailed a Love the title... well thought out ... great recording... will definitely recommend!

Australia, Cairns

Indigo review


i like that roots rock vibe its really chill the world now days is lacking real music like this at the moment, i say keep at it and keep up with that love music everyone can relate to that no doubt. Peace

United States, Utah, Vernal

Great song


This song was really well written. Clean and clear vocals. I actually enjoyed it. I feel the music could have been a little more tricky and not so simple. The vocals are pretty good as well. She has a good strong voice and she sounds country but not too country i like that. She put me in the mind of Martina Mcbride but with out the scale jumps. Shes put hard work into this song and it shows. Keep up the great work. Hope to see you at the grand ol opry one day. Really great work.

United States, Georgia, Toccoa

Bonnie Tyler Rides Again


Marion, hope you don't mind the comparison but I think it's a great compliment to be compared to one of the finest entertainers of a generation, I like what I hear and keep working at it and you never know until you try, Cheers Bob

United States, North Carolina, Raleigh

Forever young


Very nice track, I feel myself back in the eighties and you have a really great vokal. Everything what I need it is a car and root 66 and this track in the radio, that it`s what I feel when I listen your music.

Switzerland, Zürich

Review of Love will get your heart


Marion, Listening to the feel of the instrumental (band playing) ushered in an expectation of an upbeat song. The focus of the lyrics was unexpected, yet well seemed. Your vocals are in harmony (awesome sound and very fun to listen to). The Chorus is simple and catchy, I also enjoy the harmony there. As for progressing this song into the music industry, I think it would be a good thing to license this song and direct the focus on capturing film and animated productions. These are directed toward the youth; so is your music. The flow of your lyrics and word choice may seem as a benefit to music directors of film.

United States, Alabama, Gulf Shores

Plays Review


Hi Marion What a coincidence the name cupid forms part of my real name. I like the lyrics of the song and you have a lovely tone. Verses are structured well and the music follows the message of the song really well. Guitar playing is nice too. Wishing you all the best....

United Kingdom, London

Can hear the fun

You can hear that you enjoyed recording the song, but my brain does not itch when i listen to it. Good playing and singing but the song does not stick. It would need something more catchy to be perfect.

Belgium, ypres





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