Song Reviews


Your music is deffenentlly one of a kind and in its own lane. So having saying that keep up the excellent work . dont ever give up on your craft . feel to send me more of your catalog to reveiw. ,,DJLpeezy

United States, South Carolina, Columbia

A Rich Country Flare


Miss Marion Drexler and her rich, smooth, Southern-sounding voice is a welcomed sound to the ears. Her song takes me back to when the country sound of music was deep and pure, before country pop hit the scene. The deep sound of the guitar along with the drum beat takes us down that country road of the days of The Judds. In fact, her voice made me think of Wynonna Judd, of whom was one of my favorites from that decade. Miss Drexler has the same rich sound that Wynonna Judd had. Her transitions from high register to low register are just right, no hangups, and the music/vocal volume ratio is just right; one is not higher than the other. Her lyrics make sense, and you can understand every word. Her choice of music for this song was great; everything fits together like a melodious glove, and I love how she had guys as her background singers; their voices blended very well together. I give Miss Drexler five stars for this song! Well done! :-)

United States, Louisiana, Alexandria

Sweet Love


Marion, I think you are doing better all the time. Every time I do a review of your music I get to like your music more. Sweet love is well done instrumentally and the arrangement is nice. Your engineer as usual has done a really nice job on this mix. The solo guitar blends nicely and I like your little breaks that are nice accents to the song. No doubt a sweet roots song that will do well with the right exposure. I believe you show improvements vocally on this one also. Keep it coming Marion, you make Canada proud, me too. :)

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Sweet Love....


The song has Rockabilly undertone in the tradition of a ballad and is great for a two step dance hall. Your unique voice brings to mind The Judds. Not your typical country song, very rich in meaning with lyrics that hit home to the heart. Being an Indie Artist gives you a wide berth. I can see you bringing versatility to this genre, so keep open to the new vibrations, new instruments and songs from your heart Marion. You are bringing a new sound to country similar to the style of Shania Twain.

United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales



I listened to this over and over trying to find anything that may be wrong but without success. The song speaks for itself great voice and well put together. This artists has just what it takes to make it big.please. aim for the top I'll be listening to other projects that you might have.She is also good looking. All the best.

United States, California, los angeles

Marion Drexler My Review!


Hello again another great song I like this song the background was on point lead vocals were nice as well on a scale 1-10 I would give you a 10 the music was well done you got my vote keep making those great tunes I hope what is said in this review will be of some help to you from James Milligan President/CEO,New Experience Records/Rick Ross Music Group/UMG I wish you the best in your career.

United States, Mississippi, Marks

My opinion


Love the track. And the voice is very unique. I definitely see this as being a national hit in the very near future. Keep up all the good work. Also the production is a1. I think you should continue to push. Very soulful

United States, Texas, HOUSTON

Excellent Production! Excellent Voice!


Marion Drexler combines the sound of country with the deep southern blues of the U.S. After one listen, you'll forget Marion is from Canada and wonder if the singer is actually from Memphis TN!

United States, Illinois, Chicago

Country Blues


I really enjoyed this song. County blues, guitar strings popping, solid rhythm section. Well mixed, everything in proportion, background vocals integrated nicely. Thank you Marion, I look forward to hearing more from you!

United States, North Carolina, Waynesville

'Sweet Love' by Marion Drexler

I love the style. I love the vocal. Marion has the feel down and I knew when I looked at her that she would be good. I want to hear more and so I shall. It was a well formed song, with the great arrangement and everything in the right places. The bridge sneaking in and building the track with the BV's rocking away. Great feel in the guitar solo and the muso's added too the obvious, that this is a really good band. I'd love to see you live. Great Song. Right up my alley. Very good. Thanks Helen Pallis

Australia, Sydney

Sweet tune


Is the song starts playing I'm reminded of the Dire Straits and can't believe how much the guitar work sounds like the mark knoflers playing. Even the vocals during the verse really hit home as this might be a lost dire strait song. The song sounds good professional and is arranged and mixed well if there is anything I would have done to change the song it would be during the chorus and I would have had the singer go to a lower register instead of a higher register when he sang the part just a little different take on how it's done

United States, Illinois, Aurora

Sweet Voice


A very distinct voice that with right song could find a spot in your imagination. A bitter sweet love in this case, a little cliched and looking for it's identity, I will wait for the next one!

United States, North Carolina, Raleigh

License Music


A car is driving down a Nevada road, being viewed from a sky view (about 50 feet up). Driver and passenger are smiling with their shades on, as they look at one another and back to the road. They check in to a hotel as they stop around 12 noon (to share their love) and hit the road again. The fade out of the rest of the song at "Really Must Go, Yeah", as music plays. I think this song is and can be considered a modern classic sound. Sweet Love has potential.

United States, Alabama, Gulf Shores


Musicis anartform andculturalactivity whose medium issoundorganized intime. The common elements of music arepitch(which governsmelodyandharmony),rhythm(and its associated conceptstempo,meter, andarticulation),dynamics(loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities oftimbreandtexture(which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musicalsound). Differentstyles or typesof music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. Music is performed with a vast range ofinstrumentsand vocal techniques ranging fromsingingtorapping; there are solelyinstrumental pieces,solely vocal pieces(such assongswithout instrumentalaccompaniment) and pieces that combinesinging and instruments. The word derivesfromGreekμουσική(mousike; "art of theMuses").[1]

Jamaica, Kingston





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