Ma Saïsara
Ongoing Love Project
- Book : "Love Poems" (2020)
- New Album : "Love Songs" (2022)
New single out! "J'en fais le pari" is now available on all digital platforms! Check the new music video on YOUTUBE!
- ThuNov 167:00pm
Portugal, LISBOA, Rua Santos-o-Velho 11, 1249-079SHOWCASE / ACOUSTIC CONCERT
Voc/Gtr: Ma Saïsara
Gtr: Kubix Guitsy
"Ma Saïsara (MaSaï) is both a French songwriter and singer. She has chosen a stage name for herself picturing a dream of travelers and nomadic souls, which evokes, through its consonances, far off countries and lands... Playing with the music of her mother tongue, Ma Saïsara mixes her very “chanson française” style with strains of blues and world music (afro and latin music) using a very natural and poetic sense of writing. Her first album (all orginal songs) is now available on her website, on I-tunes and other online music stores. She is currently working on nine new love songs meant to be recorded on a new album".
"Auteur, compositeur, interprète, Ma Saïsara, dite MaSaï, s’est choisi un nom de scène placé sous le signe du voyage et des âmes nomades qui évoque, par ses consonances, des terres lointaines. Elle mêle des accents world et jazzy à une langue imagée qui lui permet de jouer avec la musicalité du français. Après un premier disponible sur toutes les plateformes de téléchargement légal, Ma Saisara prépare actuellement un second album composé de chansons d'amour chaloupees dont l'enregistrement est prévu courant 2018".
"15 e 16.11 | 19h00 | MA SAÏSARA | Atelier, Conferência, Concerto | Institut Français du Portugal
Descoibrir alguns artistas da nova cena musical francesa, de Camille à Sanseverino passando por Stromae, Zaz, Christine & the Queens, mais conhecidos internacionalmente, ou nomes menos conhecidos no estrangeiro, fazendo a pontes com algumas das grandes figuras da cancão francesa de Piaf a Gainsbourg, Nougaro, Salvador, Brassens, Trénet, Brel, Barbara, ou Bashung, é o que propõe Ma Saïsara no Atelier/Conferência de 15 de Novembro e no concerto de quinta-feira dia 16, na nossa Mediateca. O atelier/conferência decorre em francês com possibilidade de interpretação em português ou inglês. Ma Saïsara é autora, compositora e intérprete".FREE ADMISSIONAll Ages