Mos was my friend: a Congolese dancer in France. Its name "Mosensi" means indigenous. He died and had talent on stage to provoke the audience in briefs on music improvised by ourselves.
The popularity of my composition is an accident. It comes from a simple research on the guitar then on the flute. Finally shaker and bass.
The theme is borrowed from the generic of the animal show "30 million friends"
It's binary, I turned it in ternary: (4 gives 3 beats).
I wanted to keep it simple, and I have animals.
I am also the creator of a saddle for horse riding and the inventor of "semi-bareback".
Facebook:" Bande Étrière Montaudou"
Thank you to my 68 fans. I plan to resume this work in order to satisfy our souls and that of the god Pan.