Glad you are my fans, I mean it
Posted at 2017-03-08
Posted at 2017-03-08
Dear fans all over the world, wow is that nice to say or what ? Didn't expect that when I entered N1M Radio - So pleased about it, and what a great way to expose music. Anyway, nowadays if you want to have a lot of hits on Youtube you have to pay people to view your video's, but I didn't pay you to become my fans, that's the beauty of it and so I was surprised that a video of mine had , out of the blue, over 6000 views - isn't that awesome or what ? I know you saw or heard some of my songs and should you be interested just browse my youtubecanal and discover more of my own music, it is no obligation, just a thought. - Best regards your humble singer-composer MCLARSJ