9 years ago

A Show of appreciation!!:)

As of right now go on Google Play and purchase the hot single Remade for $1.49 https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Reaper_Remade?id=Bigmecvtrznd6c62bobngpinhde&hl=en ... As a show of appreciation for each purchase I am giving away one unreleased track absolutely free of charge along with remade remix ...Also you can follow me at the links below for more latest updates...After all I am nothing without the man upstairs and I am nothing without you as well...God bless and I thank you very much for all the love and support:) https://instagram.com/pichong639/ https://twitter.com/Soulsaremine?lang=en https://soundcloud.com/pichon-gilmore http://members.soundclick.com/reaper2458 https://www.reverbnation.com/grimg?profile_view_source=profile_box





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