Situations New From Michael Egleton
Hello everyone here at Number 1 Music! I'm very, very happy to say the first cut from the new In The Q Independent release from MIchael Egleton and Michael Egleton Music has dropped here at Number One Music. Situations, has been described by Odd Nugget Music Magazine and other music sources as, " ...a song about love on the rocks drenched in nostalgia that hearkens back to Soul's Golden Age..." " ....a song with raw emotions that traipses the edge of consciousness in a haze of anguish..." It harnesses the classic influences where the old and new converge..." ".... the spoken word part feels like a Boyz II Men Hat Tilt..." So as you see many things are being said about this new joint from Michael Egleton. So why don't you take a little time, sit down and give Situatons a listen. Remember, It's just a Situation....