Michael Gracy
United States, South Dakota, Sioux Falls

N1M © 2003—2025

Michael Gracy
2 years ago
Well, I'm getting old. I posted a message, and it didn't happen. So here goes another try. This will be a year of many journeys. In January I accepted an Interim Pastor's Position with the Bible Christain Church. It will go through the end of March. Then the Horse Show season begins. I'm the Pastor for the South-Central Stock Horse Assoc. We will have shows twice a month beginning in April and ending in August. We have a Cowboy themed wedding in Oklahoma in April. We are planning to travel to Missouri, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Colorado this spring, summer and fall. I officiated a funeral for a friend in my hometown of South Haven, KS. So, I'm pretty busy for a 75-year-old guy. However, God doesn't have an age limit for servanthood. So, I'm good to go till the roll is called up yonder. I'll be changing my songs soon on N1M so y'all. can listen to something different. If I don't see along the trail, I'll see ya on the other side. Thanks, you are great fans. Many of God's richest blessings. Michael
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Michael Gracy
3 years ago
It's the 2nd week in March and we are getting busy. Looking forward to spring. We have 7 shows set up for the summer, and several churches. Thanks to all you fans and listeners. We can't do it without you! Blessings, Mike
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Michael Gracy
3 years ago
I am thankful for all the friends, listeners, and fans here on N1M. I like receiving the messages and comments. We just finished the Thanksgiving Holiday and are looking forward to the Christmas Celebration of the birth of (expired link) is a special time of the year. I like singing all the different types of Christmas Music, preparing the messages for the Cowboy Church that I pastor. I love the looks of anticipation in the eyes of the youngsters as I tell the stories of Christmas past and present..This is the celebration of the greatest gift that could ever and will ever be given. God's gift to man, the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. This past few years have been a challenge to us all, however if we would just look to God has our shield and protector from disease, pandemics, and the evils and darkness of this world. Things would not seem as bad, and we would not worry so much about our future. God has plans for our future and they are plans not to harm us but to give us an abundance of good things. If we would look to him for our provision and not count on government to supply our needs our lives would be less stressful. Well that's it for now. Keep on Keepin' on and Believe and have Faith that God is Immanuel, God with Us! Have a great Holiday Season, and may your future be one of Light!!! Thankful for Y'all, Michael
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Michael Gracy
3 years ago
Busy Summer it seems. People are starting to get out and do things. Our Beaumont Christian Cowboy Church has restored the old annex building, and we had our first potluck. Grilled hamburgers and watermelon! What a blessing this building will be.
I have also been going to the Southern Kansas Stock Horse Assoc. horse shows held twice a month since last spring, our last show will be this weekend. The early morning Cowboy Church as been well attended and has grown in numbers. The spirit of the shows this summer has grown as well. It was requested by one of the young members that I play the banjo. Well my dad gave me his banjo several years ago. I have neglected to learn to play it, until a few weeks ago. So with many hours of painful practicing, I learned to play "I'll Fly Away". So I played it at the last show at The Cowboy Church. It was a big hit. Now I'll have to learn to play another song on it. Man sometimes I get myself in a bind that creates more work for me. However, we never stop learning. So I figure I'm growing and expanding my musical horizons. LOL
Well that's about it. I hope and pray y'all are safe, sound, and healthy. May you all be receiving God's Richest Blessing. Until Next Time, Adios and God Bless! Michael

Michael Gracy
4 years ago
Hey, out there! I have great hope for the year 2021. Not so much in the political arena, but I have hope that God will move in our lives in a great way, and hopefully the politician's lives, and that we will put down all our own personal feelings and do what is good for America. We need to keep battling to be sure our freedoms remain in tack. After all this is America and we are over comers and eventually we figure it out. If we will love God with all our hearts, soul, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves, and pray to God and have that faith of a mustard seed and attempt to obey God's commands to the best of our ability. He will answer our prayers, and this Nation will begin to heal. Will it be easy? No it won't. Nothing that is worth the effort is ever easy. Jesus said we will have troubles in this world. However, Jesus overcame the world. We just have to figure out how to get along. Well my calendar is filling up for 2021. That gives me hope that things will be getting back to some kind of Normal in 2021. Thanks to all for being fans. And may God richly bless your lives. Best regard, Michael
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Michael Gracy
4 years ago
Hey! Sorry that I haven't been letting y'all know what I've been up to. Well as you know, just like everybody else this pandemic has affected my going out and sharing my music with people. I'm still singing and preaching at the Beaumont Christian Cowboy Church in Beaumont, KS. We closed service for a couple of months last spring, but reopened in July and have had service every Sunday since. Thanksgiving is going to be different but good this year. Sandy, my wife and I are staying home. Our children and relatives will do their own thing close to their homes. God will be looking down on us and we will be together in Spirit. So it is all good. I want to thank each and everyone of you for being a fan and supporting my music and ministry. I am so Thankful for you guys. Here's to a better year and years to come. "Happy Thanksgiving!!!"
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Michael Gracy
5 years ago
Hello, all you great fans and people. I certainly hope all of you are not stressed out about the Pandemic. We as God's family are under His protection. Read Psalms 91, and 2nd Chronicles 7:13,14. Yes we are to be good citizens of the world and do what is good for us. Washing hands, coughing in the crook of the elbow or a bandana, stay home if sick, don't go to places where there is a big crowd, drink plenty of water, juices, etc. We will be fine and this will pass. It is the cold and flu season. Just use your God given common sense. We Will Be Fine.
We have been super busy performing in Assisted Living Centers and Churches. Have been busy the Cowboy Church I Pastor. Been writing some songs and learning some by other less known writers and artists. Life is good for my wife Sandy and I. We find time to visit our Kids, Grand Kids, and Great Grand Kids. We are making Life as good as we can make it. I hope y'all are doing the same.
That's it. I have added 3 new songs on N1M. So enjoy. And, Keep on Keepin' On!!!

Michael Gracy
5 years ago
Just a little report of how our summer is going. I've been going monthly to the Kansas State Fairgrounds to conduct Cowboy Church for the Southern Kansas Stock Horse Association. It is a great time and I enjoy enteracting with the horsemen & women and watching the showing at all levels. We are still having the Cowboy Church in Beaumont, KS the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month. We have a project going on restoring the annex building that has been shut down for 19 years. We will be having a Mountain Oyster & Fish Fry, fundraiser Oct. 6. To help with the cost of restoration. I will be celebrating two years at this great church in the great community. In Sept. I accompanied my Dad,(w WW II wounded vet) to his 87th Div Reunion in Danbury, Conn. We accompanied my Dad to West Point where he placed some flowers on his Captain's grave, who was killed in action in the Battle of the Buldge. Dad was within feet when Captain Kromer was cut down by machine gun fire. The Capt. told Dad to keep the troops moving. Dad told the whole story that night and the night he was hit 10 days later. It was a moving story and ceremony at the grave that only family was permitted to attend. Capt. Sawyer our West Point Escort said a few words and asked permission to salute dad. He asked Dad if he would like to say a prayer over his Captain's grave. Dad was so emotionally moved that he couldn't so he asked me to give the prayer. What an Honor! I have been busy also playing around the country promoting and sharing my ministry and music. I want to thank each and everyone reading the message for all of your support. Because of you and you sharing with your friends my music is getting out there and is doing very well on the N1M Charts, and is also helping on other charts as well. THANK YOU, and may you all be blessed in all your endeavors as you walk down the golden pathway of this life. God has a way for each and everyone of you. Many Blessings, Mike
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Michael Gracy
5 years ago
Hey just a short note. I know we all have been affected by the wet weather across the nation. We have been in Kansas visiting and performing. Some towns flooded 4 times in may and some worried about levees being breached. The wheat harvest in Kansas is late and will not be very good. Spring crops have not been planted. The outlook is dismal to say the least. At time like these we not involved in agriculture seem at a loss of what to do to help. That's when we pray. I ask all my
fans here on N1M to pray for the Family Farmers across the United States. They are our most valued resource. They produce all the food to supply the grocery stores where you buy your food to nourish and raise your families. Farmers work long hard hours and have very little time off. It is a life style that many don't understand or would want to do. They do not receive fair compensation for products, however they humbly accept what is given and go on put out another crop so that American Citizens will be fed. Please pray for them. I thank you in advance for the prayers and I thank you for being my fans. Sincerely, Michael Gracy

Michael Gracy
6 years ago
We are headed into a busy summer. I'm still the Pastor at The Beaumont Christian Cowboy Church in Beaumont, Kansas. We meet the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month. We are small but are mighty warriors for God. On the Sunday we do not meet we are going to travel and take our music to other places. Mostly South Dakota, and Colorado. So we will be traveling afar this summer. Hope y'all have a great and safe summer. Remain Blessed in Jesus, Mike
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Michael Gracy
7 years ago
I'm now the Pastor at The Beaumont Christian Cowboy Church in Beaumont, Kansas. Beaumont is a small town cow town in the grasslands called the Flint Hills. This Easter season we are having some special services. Sunday, March 25th @11am we are having Palm Sunday Services. On Friday March 30th we are having Good Friday Services @ 7pm, and on Sunday April 1st we will be having Easter Service @ 11am. We are still doing some traveling. Last week week we drove to Kansas City, and ended up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to perform at the Good Samaritan Assisted Living Campus to entertain the residents there. It was a packed house. Everyone loved singing the old standard Gospels Songs and hearing about Jesus and they also enjoyed listening to my special brand of music. That's what we've been up to. We hope that you will attend the Church of your choice this Easter Season. Blessings to all; Pastor Mike
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Past Events
Oct 24
6:00 PM
All Ages
McCasson Boys Ranch
United States, South Dakota, Sioux Falls, N. Marion Rd., 57104
Mar 21
7:00 PM
All Ages
God's Country Cowboy Church
United States, Kansas, Coldwater, E. Main St
Apr 13
1:30 PM
All Ages
Good Samaritan Assisted Living
United States, South Dakota, Sioux Falls, 4001 So. Marion Rd., 57106


Michael Gracy

Michael Gracy

Mike and Sandy fireplace 03

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CCMA 047

Fishin and Preadhin 138

Gracy, MB 11-2004 Singer 2

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