Michael Lee C Sr
United States, Missouri, Kansas city
United States, Missouri, Kansas city

Michael Lee C Sr

N1M © 2003—2024
About Michael Lee C Sr
https : / / sites . google . com / view / michael - lee - c - sr / music - page
band lab com dmcseware
bonfire com lee-c-merchandise
Musician, Senior Pastor, Vocalist, Indie Christian Contemporary Artist
ASCAP Publishing, and ASCAP Writer
DMCS Executive Ware LLC Kansas City Mo
executivewarellc gmail com

Bishop Dr Michael Craddock Sr
Dr Michael Craddock Sr is a writer, and vocalist, producer, and Musician who plays by ear. Learning the Keyboard from when he was 13 years old. He is the Senior Overseer and Pastor of Judah Inc Network of Ministries in KC MO since 11/10/2001. He is and ordained Elder since 1986. Father of 14 children with one wife, Dr Sharron M. McCarver Craddock. Together they have written various songs that are being recorded Independently through DMSC Executive Ware LLC with projects such as (Solo Project) Rendezvous (c) 2015, and Recommitted (c) 2016 with C3RIO+ Bishop is available for various Ministry Opt. michael_craddocksr@outlook.com 816-754-6837
Bishop Dr Michael Craddock Sr
Music Producer Music Recording Pianist Vocalist Worship LeaderDr Michael Craddock Sr is a writer, and vocalist, producer, and Musician who plays by ear. Learning the Keyboard from when he was 13 years old. He is the Senior Overseer and Pastor of Judah Inc Netw...

Michael Lee C Sr
1 year ago
Did you know that the Lord wants all of your attention. He is a jealous God and will have no other God, or god like entity before Him in your life. Those who deny that loving and lasting relationship with Him end up in unnecessary suffering because they left their first and only true love.
God forgives us for trespassing against Him, He forgives us for turning our back on the relationship. that is because He knows what He has supplied to you and that there is no other being on earth who can supply that same level of commitment and love for you. He gave you His only begotten son, now all He is asking is that you give Him back His child. Return to the Lord and walk in His favor completely. Do not allow those who have sweet conversations to derail your Spiritual relationship for some temporary thrill. They can only supply your flesh with a right now satisfaction, but once you are left in the middle of your loneliness, what else is there for you. Once you have drained out your life source of love, and have suffered trying to please them, and you are alone in your mess and pity. God is still in your heart, in the depth of your being, on your mind. Don't be afraid to come and surrender your Spirit man to the Lord and correct your own life before the Father. The prodigal son had to bow his head and return to the father after shaming himself. Even though he knew that even the servants of the father was well taken care of. He was willing to return even in that capacity. I'll get the best treatment even working for my father. God has not done that to us. He favors you right now, even though you might sneak off and do whatever you feel, God still has undying love for you. That is how jealous He is over you. He want you back my brother and sister. Go home and regain your place, your power, your position, you are the child of the father, and His love is genuinely for you. Finally, He wont hurt you, as men have over the span of your life. He sure wont allow them to once you have made up your mind.

Michael Lee C Sr
1 year ago
We have been given a particular amount of time to do the work we have all been assigned by God. The question is will we be in the position of doing the work, or will we be found in our indulgences?
(expired link)
…42. And the Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their portion at the proper time? 43. Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 44. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.…
Lk. 12:42-44
Let us begin the work that we have been assigned. We can no longer put aside the service we are ordered to perform. When we finally find ourselves standing before the Lord our God. What will we have to say for ourselves?
I would not know what I could say to my Lord if asked so I suppose I better get to work while it is day.
Michael Lee C Sr
(expired link) _ (expired link)

Michael Lee C Sr
1 year ago
We have been given a particular amount of time to do the work we have all been assigned by God. The question is will we be in the position of doing the work, or will we be found in our indulgences?
(expired link)
…42. And the Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their portion at the proper time? 43. Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 44. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.…
Lk. 12:42-44
Let us begin the work that we have been assigned. We can no longer put aside the service we are ordered to perform. When we finally find ourselves standing before the Lord our God. What will we have to say for ourselves?
I would not know what I could say to my Lord if asked so I suppose I better get to work while it is day.
Michael Lee C Sr
(expired link) _ (expired link)

Michael Lee C Sr
1 year ago
Psalm 118:24 ESV
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
This is certainly the day the Lord has made for us all to live and enjoy.
We should take the time to celebrate with one another. You never know what may take place over the coming days. You need fellowship with your loved ones. Taking the opportunity to get together and eat and be merry is Gods gift to us all.
It is not really about what the season is at this point in my book. It is about that fact that one of these ole days we will miss it. Do not take for granted that you have your mother and father or grandparents still in the land of the living.
Put a side petty differences and just get along for about one to two hours. Stop having your rivalry so that you may enjoy seeing and speaking to each other. How many times have someone said that they just spoke to her, or him and now they are gone? I know I have had that regret for the past 3 years now. I dropped my youngest off to visit with his grandmother, she just loved her some "JewLion". Instead of getting out the car and walking all the way up to the door to give my mother a great big kiss. I just waved. I have regretted that solemn moment for the past 3 years that she has been with our ancestors and our Lord and King.
That is why i always tell those I minister to. Let it go already. What time do you actually have to harbor what someone has done to you. Christ has not held it against you. Jesus didn't even hold it against Judas. If He did, He would have said something to them about what his plans were, but the Lord was ready for what had to come. Are you ready for what has to come? Because, ready of not, it will take place in all our lives. Enjoy what you have been given brothers and sisters. Love on your brothers and sisters, your parents and friends. Give that love God has given unto you.
Be festive in this season, we do not have the future locked down, not at all.
Michael Lee C Sr

Michael Lee C Sr
2 years ago
Mal Functioning
Dr (expired link). Craddock
Mal: Crazy, or Badly
(Is a prefix to multiple conditions or situations.)
Mal-Pratice, Mal-odorous, Mal-Nourished
Function: an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.
Malfunctioning: a failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner.
Point: In our society , communities, Country, World.
We are seeing more and more people who are losing their minds and
going into a crazed phase.
Losing their senses falling into disarray. They are completely Mal-
Not in control of how they respond to what goes on around them, they just go crazy, berserk,
and out of control of their faculties with no way of rallying them back.
What is happening when the messages from our leadership promotes dislike, and turning your
back on fellow brothers and sister, because they do not like you are your choices in life.
More and more the preachers are teaching the wrong message of Christ.
They are stirring up malfunctioning believers who are self centered and angry but they attempt
to cover it in the love of Christ
It is like wrapping something you normally wouldn't with bacon just to give it a better taste.
God never told us to walk around with an attitude of defense towards men. He is the one who
get vengeance.
It is these too fine, and gorgeous people who have stepped into the light and started preaching
in a self preserved method. A "you don't have to like me, I like myself mindset" (song I heard).
If Christ would have lived this way, my question would be to you. Would salvation had come?
Let us be cautious in how we perform in this life. Let us make sure within ourselves that we
are following the script as it was written. We should not deviate from the path laid before us.
God lights the way, we are just supposed to stay on the straight and narrow.
When He comes for us, we shall see the results of a sold out life unto the Lord our God. The
end results are our reward. Where we get to join in with the Host of Heaven and celebrate the
Maker and King our Lord for all Eternity
Psalm 73:26 ESV.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Proverbs 28:13 ESV.
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Michael Lee C Sr
2 years ago
This song has been in the vault for over 3 years before I was divorced and around when my mother ascended. Not to mention the pandemic hit us really hard then to. It was a lot going on in the ministry and personal life.
Read more
Michael Lee C Sr
2 years ago
Exodus 23:20 "Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared
No matter your troubles no matter the facts of your circumstance the Lord will lead guide and protect you from harm
You do not have to be perfect when He is perfect in you
we just need Him to be our constant compass our lead and guide through out our lives
Just as He lead His children through the wilderness He will lead you through the rough patches of your own life
Put not your trust in men, or in even your own abilities put all of your trust in the Lord your God maker and King
Let Him send a battalion built into one a legion in two
Let Him send His angels to keep charge of your exodus to your promised land
Never loose sight of the fact the Lord has you surrounded even when your enemies think they are the ones who place fear in you they do not your surprised look is at the work of the Lord on your behalf
Smile your on Gods camera
Thank you all for the support over this past year of my life
You do not really know how much it means to me to have such
friends who speak well of you when others look down upon you
I know my Creator is in the place and He will see to my victory because I give
my life over completely to the Master and King our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the hope of my salvation.
Prayers with you
Pray with me
Love intentionally
Michael Lee C Sr

Michael Lee C Sr
2 years ago
20. My son, pay attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 21. Do not lose sight of them; keep them within your heart. 22. For they are life to those who find them, and health to the whole body. 23. Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flow springs of life. 24. Put away deception from your mouth; keep your lips from perverse speech
Be a son or daughter for the duration of your parents lives. In other words, make sure to have an ear that hears the wisdom from your parents who love you, and want you to succeed in life. Do not continue going off trail into the wilderness of life so far that it is hard to find your way back to the right place of mind and Spirit.
So far we all go wondering away from those words of wisdom spoken by our parents, or someone we may consider to be just as equal to our mother, and father.
One day this will be you in the shoes of the elders, and you would want those who are following you on this path of Righteousness to make good choices, because you have been that way before. This writer wants his son to have an ear and hear what he has to say, because the fathers instructions will one day be the very thing that will save his son from disaster.
Hearken to the voice of the father, let your heart hear the truth, and then out of it you can speak what is wholesome, and good. Not vulgarities, and obscene thoughts that taint the person you want others to know and see as Godly.
Be complete in the Spirit, be whole in your hearts and your mind.
Let your feet do the walking.
Your mind do the thinking
Your heart do the feeling
Your Spirit do the growing
Let God be your guide through it all.
Michael Lee C Sr

Michael Lee C Sr
2 years ago
Our New Years Theme: New Heart, New Spirit, New Life
Ezek. 36
24. For I will take you from among the nations and gather you out of all the countries, and I will bring you back into your own land.
25. I will also sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and all your idols.
26. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.…
I pray as you begin this next season in your life that you can seek and find what the Lord has for you. We celebrate with our Jewish brothers and sisters this New Year with the theme from the Scripture in Ezekiel 36: 24-26.
We have lost so much in these last few years. Not just me, but all of humanity have suffered great losses. It is time for a renewal in our hearts and mind that trickle its way into our Spirit giving us something to get up for each and everyday, besides the normal.
God promises to those whoa are His that He will supply your needs according to His endless riches, and His Infinite love for you and I.
Being that He has kept you and I through this process of our journey. Our shoes might wear out, but He supplies a new pair when we need them. Our bodies might be worn out, but He allows for times to rest and recuperate.
God will restore your borders, your country, your family. Even after what you have been through. He will give you sustained life.

Michael Lee C Sr
2 years ago
Introducing myself to the community of like minded individuals who are Christian Indie artist starting their journey, or trying as I am to finish it strong.
No matter what we must press towards our goals to finish what we have started in our lives so long ago. I am a father of 12 living children who are strong and food children. They are supportive of what we are doing as we support their endeavors to the best of our ability. these 12 living children have produced a nation of Grandchildren, who are starting their journeys upon this earth, and I pray they are all strong and healthy and good people within the communities they live. All of my Children are talented in their own rights. Some dance, sing, artists, mechanic's, a professional business people, but all of them have uniqueness about them that I truly love to see come forth in the future.
I am divorced after 31 years of marriage. It was not something I wanted, because I have always dreamed of a big family along with a loving and nurturing wife as a partner, but circumstances took us in directions that we could not avoid, and that ended our marriage, but not our care for one another. I am a senior Pastor of a small ministry Judah Inc FWC Ministries. Musician, and vocalist. I have produced over 30 to 40 songs that I have released over the span of 25 years and now I have 100 to 150 more songs to produce of my own. Writing e-pub publications to be released ASAP. I am just introducing myself again, I am Michael Lee C Sr, also Dr Michael Lee C Sr. Thank you for all support.

N1M © 2003—2024
About Michael Lee C Sr
https : / / sites . google . com / view / michael - lee - c - sr / music - page
band lab com dmcseware
bonfire com lee-c-merchandise
Musician, Senior Pastor, Vocalist, Indie Christian Contemporary Artist
ASCAP Publishing, and ASCAP Writer
DMCS Executive Ware LLC Kansas City Mo
executivewarellc gmail com
Plays Today: 190
Total Plays: 248,029
Profile Views: 311,530
Subscribers: 1,330
Followers: 462
Michael lee c sr has no Merchandise yet.
Past Events
Sep 04
11:00 AM
All Ages
Judah Inc FWC (BEREA COGIC Building)
United States, Missouri, Harrisonville, 302 E Pearl St, 64701

Nov 27
11:00 AM
All Ages
Anointed House COGIC
United States, Missouri, Martin City, Missouri, 13423 Charlotte Ave, 64146

Dec 30
7:30 PM
All Ages
Anointed House of Glory COGIC Martin City Mo
United States, Missouri, Kansas City, 13423 Charlotte St, 64146

Dec 30
7:30 PM
All Ages
Anointed House of Glory COGIC
United States, Missouri, Kansas City, 13423 Charlotte St, 64146


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Bishop Dr M. Craddock Sr



Dr Michael


Michael Lee C


He ll pick you up cd

Stay Still Cd cover

The Night Has Fully Come CD Logo




michaelleec webnametag


Stay Still cover art

Michael Lee C Sr Music BIO

JInc Logo No 3


Adam Eve release jpeg

growth pic 001



Adam and Eve CD cover



im coming over logo

i really need you now

I Wont Let Go Logo

I Feel Like Going Going On Cover


What I Love To Do Single

Bright Sunshine EP Cover

I Call You up Cover

Still Need Time To Grow

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A Quiet Place Cd

A Quiet Place Cd

Your Design Cover

Your Design Cover

Judah WEb Logo

3 your design promo_card

2 adam and eve promo_card

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There Is An Answer Single

There Is An Answer Single

Until Its Done Cover

Until Its Done Cover