Hello everyone
Just a quick note to connect with all of you who subscribed to my N1M Music page and let you know that we are now over 500 strong and building. This gives always more credit to the power of my music itself and i must say that it makes me proud to know that your honest opinion of my work is real. I just released a new single which can be heard here on N1M called "You And I" it is a Brazilian Samba that hopefully will transport you if only briefly to a warm sunny beach in tropics, of course you can always listen to it as many times as you like. Please feel free to share as I realize that I am here to touch, connect and inspire as many people as possible through my chosen art form.
If you choose to download my music it can be done @ http://www.CdBaby.com/cd/michaelmassaro3
Blessings to you all.
Michael Massaro