Next album progress
So five basic tracks are completed for the next album - Recovery, Shattered, Detonate The Hate Bomb, Five Years Later and So It Is... They just need guitar overdubs and vocals. Writing 2 others and start recording a song called Husbands and Wives this weekend. This is the first time I've done the writing as I've been recording other songs and it can be a real brain scrambler because I like to get a basic arrangement bedded into my head before I start recording. I can confirm that the album's title will be The Recovery Position and although I'm not setting myself any deadlines I hope to have it completed before the end of the year.
Had a bit of a shock last week when I checked my label/publishing email account to find messages from all over the world from people listening to Roll Over Play Dead from ferrism on internet radio. So that was a real boost.
Talk soon. Thanks for listening.
Mick x