Mike Sanders / Events / PortlandKeyboards

Mike Sanders

Portland Keyboards - Longtime keyboardist with many bands; Apex 1977-80, Forest Creek Band 2007-13... and countless garage-bands, solo efforts and Kompoz.com

PortlandKeyboards - a Kompoz Collective Band, is a group of musicians that produce original music online, at Kompoz.com
My collaborations contain contribution's from musicians all over the world !!
I hope you enjoy the unique opportun... read more

  • Sun
    Mar 21


    United States, Idaho, Internet release, Internet release, 83706
    New Song released on Soundblend.com
    Created at Kompoz!
    By musicians from all over the world... OK, looks like there mostly from the USA. Places Like, Texas, Virginia, Kentucky, Idaho, Switzerland, UK... How the hell do they do it?
    All Ages





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