mileSound BASS
3 years ago

Mercy of the nature (video)

https://youtu.be/A8Ycjib1fsQ The origins of Mercy Of The Nature, MileSound Bass's (from Italy) latest single with Las Flores No Lloran (from Spain), date back to 2015, when the two artists met at the Kernel Festival Messina (South Italy), where they had been called to perform. This was the beginning of their collaboration and then of their friendship that continued in the following years and that gave birth to the single Mercy Of The Nature. The two artists teamed up with the italian illustrator Demi San, who works on the artwork that is entirely handmade. Their idea was that the human is not superior of the Nature but the opposite. So they create something to celebrate the superior power of nature. In particular, the trio wants to deveolp their idea according to which the nature is superior to humankind beacuse even if it has been abused by human beings it has the power to reborn and to give pleasure to humankind that face hard times on Earth: that is the mercy of the nature on us. This single is a mingle of different rythms and sounds, as the Nature is, and it is produced with only analog and digital synthesizers (and drum machine). The goal is not to mix different musical genres and to force them into a strict frame, but to let the flow run spontaneously and freely. The two artists see this single as a wood, in which different kind of trees live together without losing their own identity as individuals. Arpeggios and Trip Hop sounds kick off the song that continues towards the UK Acid, then the US Deep House softens it, the Scandinavian Trance Downtempo synthesizers passionate the listeners until a timeless piano concludes the act. The voice does not accompany the melody but it becomes a proper instrument itself that enriches the harmony of the song. MileSound Bass Gianluca Suanno aka MileSound Bass, born in 1988, has been active on the Milan music scene since 2009. Versatility, creativity and eclecticism are the predominant characteristics of the artist along with the passion for extra-terrestrial life and for the onironautics. The philosophy behind his work is to mix different genres and styles, to combine synthesizers, drum machines and software to create "alien" music which speaks of the dream world and life beyond this planet. To date MileSound Bass has 12 publications. LuciDreams Records Lucid dreaming is the ability to alter a dream flow predestined at its birth in order to guide it through unexplored - and sometimes unpredictable - directions. LuciDreams Records aims to unite the multi genre landscape, that has spontaneously formed over the years, under a single project. It is the outcome of contamination between cultures, countries and musical genres that has created new worlds, sometimes unpredictable.

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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