Minister Kaine
9 years ago

HopeHop Multimedia "Minister Kaine" with "I love the Lord" Get It now!

Minister Kaine "I love the Lord"

Get the single for for$.99 and for a limited time receive the EP "One Night with the King" free! A portion of the proceeds goes to WJM Foundation a foundation that focuses on the inner city threw music! HopeHop Multimedia Thunder Recordings  LLC MINISTER KAINE MUSIC Olahoma City, Oklahoma Thunderrecordings@gmail.com          God speed to you and yours. I would like to humbly introduce myself I am Antonio McGlothin Sr with Hope Hop Multimedia a company under the parent company WJM Foundation a 501c3 company that focuses on the youth through music. We have an artist by the name of Minister Kaine that is a seasoned veteran in the music business that has had commercial success around some of the well known names in music. MTV and numerious media outlets has featured the music of this great humble man of God. We would love to network with you in hopes of spreading the love that the people need in these trying times. "Hope Hop is a breath of fresh air" - MTV "Minister Kaine is the look of Hope Hop" - NBC We pray that you can take a moment at your leisure and feel the truth for yourself. God bless you, and may Heaven smile upon you. Antonio HopeHop Multimedia Thunder Recordings LLC MINISTER KAINE MUSIC Olahoma City, Oklahoma Thunderrecordings@gmail.com Twitter.com/TheMinisterr Reverbnation.com/ministerkaine Soundcloud.com/therealministerkaine Linkedin.com/ministerkaine





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