12 years ago

Happy 2013

Hey Everyone! Thanks so much for subscribing to my music site at numberonemusic! This message is letting you know that you can buy my music via my reverberation music site! Check me out at www.reverbnation.com/mishsongsmith Below is the link direct to the store! https://www.reverbnation.com/store/store/artist_706829?item_type=music Thanks so much for your support. I feel that this year will be the year for me to record my 4th album!! You'll be the first to know all about it! Well, here's wishing you a year where dreams turn into reality & full fill your most ultimate desires. Until the next message, enjoy this wonderful Universe & tread lightly on Mother Nature. I'll be helping to fight against Coal Seam Gas Mining! And of course writing songs from my heart... Chow for now, Be happy & well, mish xxx





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