United States, Pennsylvania, Williamsport

About MiztaCuff
I have been rapping since 1991. I loved music since I was a child. I was raised in a single parent household, where my Mom played music all the time. It's like the art form was embed into my brain. Music was soothing, an escape, encouraging and at times the best way to release the hurt I felt inside. I would have a bad break up with a girl friend and listen to certain music, or listen to certain music to get me pumped up for a sport. It wasn't until moving back to Williamsport from Arizona though, when I started hanging around my Cousin Kevin Short (Doc Doom) that I gave making my own music a try. He had songs he made on tape, and would let me listen to them. I can still hear his voice from that day saying " You should try it". I was hesitant at first, but with his encouragement I just got better and better. The feeling I use to get from listening to other peoples songs growing up, I then began getting from my own ."Billtown State Of Mind" (expired link) is actually my 3rd album. In 2001 I released "Sand's Castle", and in 2010 Come Fly With Me. All of my music is available at iTunes, Rhapsody, Amazon Mp3 and many other sites that sell music online. My recent album was mostly recorded at my in house studio, but some featuring Artists recorded in other studios and then sent me their parts. I have a Friend, and I say have, even though he passed away, because he will always be in my heart. My Friend Boomer Robinson also created music. He was killed when his car was accidentally hit by a police officers car as Boomer was making a left hand turn, the officer was also trying to pass. A little over a week before that, I seen him outside of Giant Foods, and I joked with him saying " I thought you didn't work here anymore" already knowing he didn't. We joked around a few minutes talking about music, and then he said "Seriously, if there is anybody who can represent this town we call Billtown, and what we all been through, it's you". He then ended with his hand in mine as we shook hands saying "It's no longer a place, it's a state of mind". That was the last time I saw his contagious smile, and after he was killed, those words echoed in my head. It was then I decided to carry out his idea, and began working on my latest album titling it "Billtown State Of Mind". The theme of the album, is to from a hip hop perspective, represent the City I will always be proud of, and I was born and raised in to the best of my ability. I say a lot of things on the album that are true, and other people are afraid to say or acknowledge. But the entire album isn't totally focused on that topic alone, there are songs that are meant to encourage others in similar situations I have been through, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and there are better days ahead if you just believe in (expired link) favorite song on the album is called "Her Mamma". I have a 3yr old Daughter, who means the world to me, and I wrote the song about her. It isn't easy being a Father, but on the same note it's an honor not every man who helps create a baby should just be able to wear. It's a fun and funny description of her, and things she does that hopefully encourages parents with kids or similar situations. Kids will only learn from what they are taught, and yes there will be some bad days (expired link) is a song on the album called "Only One 4 Me" and it has a special meaning to me because, it is the true story of a bad relationship I went through. It was the lowest point I can recall in my life, but it was learning from that relationship, the things I would never again accept from a Woman, which then helped me find the perfect Wife. What I hope people get from this album is, it doesn't matter who is against you, what the odds are, as long as your heart is right with God, in the end your gonna win.
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