Song Reviews

Calm floating melody

Perfect soundtrack for a sunny morning that has hopes of being a fun day filled with music and good friends.Sweet guitar melody sharpens the senses to wake you up from falling back into a dream.

Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver

Great Song

Could play around with some further distortion/FX on each instrument to add some more character. I would recommend changing the mix a little more every 4-8 bars. Consider a high hat coming in at some points. Distorting and giving the guitar some character *reverb* and movement, making that snare pop/crunch a little more at the end of those bars. Would also like the beat top out and the snare overall through the song, want to feel that drumset in your chest. Would also like to hear some more low end maybe sub bass in the mix/master so I would consider layering that with the existing electronic synth bass you have.Even an 808 could give that low end bass and add with the kick nicely. Message if you want any more info or if I can help you mix or master in any way. Cool song. Slightly mournful with hope, like walking through a cave heartbroken but seeing the light ahead.

Canada, Ontario, Toronto


I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

model609 continuity

model609 releases the "continuity" song. A mostly synth song that is a step up than the huge amount of background study music that has become so popular. A more enjoyable experience which sounds like it is including analog synths sounds and an interesting counter harmony at about half way through the song. This song to me at least does not sound like any of the genres model609 has listed but a little bit like a tangerine dream light kind of thing. However I can see that th song has pop potential if vocals were added and then possibly re arrange a bit around the vocals. Certainly a nice listen.

United Kingdom, London

Continuity Continues

One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song the simple upbeat introduction sounds so happy and carefree like in a kids movie where they are about to embark on an adventure. The use of electronics is not a new sound, but this is cleverly produced and mixed. Enjoyable.

United States, California, Huntington Beach

Easy listening here

Super clean melodies Nice guitar rift and some other unique sounds The drum and base also sit very nice in the pocket good mix overall The switch back-and-forth between melodies is nice too, consistent but enough to keep it interesting I like that the crash cymbal is an overbearing and fits well with the song A song I’m going to listen to again I’ll give it five stars!

United States, California, Victorville

Moody Pop-Tunes

The music characterizes unconventional sound effects with persistent beat. Impressive fusion of pop and digital generated tunes. The keys puts one into a cosmos of different midi sounds bringing a hypnotical feel into the music. The drum-machine used to create a dance-beat. Accentuated harmonies forcing the music constantly on a higher level. This recording is overall good mixed and mastered. Ambitious arrangement of the producer who understand to combine contemporary music and digital elements. I´m sure you will also enjoy what you hear and like to add. Let others know your recommendation.

Germany, Hamburg


Great Instrumental great piece of work nice this AWESOME .this instrumental song has a really good.and ....................................the song was put together is very unique.......................................just love the way the sounds they were like instruments were spot on ................. perfectly........................can't say enough about this instrumental song......................................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thankyou..................................

United States, New York, Middle village

Beautiful Song!!!

I enjoyed this song and the way it was put together. You did a great job on this. If anyone doesn't like this song, they will need their hearing checked. (Chuckles) I thoroughly enjoyed this song and I have to say I look forward to hearing more. I don't know who the producer was on the track, but they did an awesome job. As I was listening, I was pulled in within the first 30 seconds. So definitely keep up the great job. Take a moment to check out my music as well. Cheers!!

United States, North Carolina, Charlotte

Nice, Nothing More

This song is a bit of a disappointment. The instrumental is not really remarkable, and there is nothing particularly interesting about the recording. However, the mixing is technically good, and the song is pleasant to listen to. It does not stand out in any way, and I doubt that it will be remembered for long. The instrumental is a basic rock beat, with a simple melody, useful as elevator background music. The recording is technically good, with clear sound and no obvious flaws. However, the mix is not particularly creative, and there are no interesting effects or textures. Overall, this is a song that is not particularly good or bad. It is a pleasant enough listen, but it does not have anything to make it stand out. The songis not remarkable, The recording is not particularly creative. If you are looking for a background sound to listen to, this song may be worth a try, but it is unlikely to be a lasting favorite.

Austria, Vienna

Relaxed Melodic Electronic Instrumental

My attention is always drawn to melodic electronic melodies...maybe you should listen to Gandalf (first 12 albums) for the guitar part...he manages to combine relaxed music with resonant electric guitar/sitar sounds...I think you are in my league, amateur home recording musicians who love to make music ! Maybe you should take a listen to America ! by Comping Harry (that's me) to know what I'm talking about...Succes with you music !

Netherlands, Weert


Musichetta che vabene come sottofondo adricartoni animati quindihala sua utilità essendo orecchiabile e gradevole si può fate questo genere cosi abbiamo risolto un problema comunque è un motivetto carino Biamo

Italy, dalmine bg


Ok we do like your song we like the way song starts and the melody the mixing and mastering was done well also thanks for allowing us to give you a review keep up the good work you got something going there!

United States, Georgia, Decatur


This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.This song is remarkably unique, and it carries the energy that mdern music inquires for the fans of both old and new era. As a critique I would focus more on the buildup and the chorus aspects of the song or instrumentation. The chorus is essentially the climax of the entire embodiment of a song and it should almost always inspire the energy that a listener is seeking to relate towards. All in all, great work.

United States, Texas, houston


Ciao sono Lorenzo Puma sto ascoltando in questo momento la tua musica e perfetta come suono e buono anche gli strumenti musicali sono buoni hai fatto un bel lavoro sono qui per farti una recensione e come stelle ti metto 4 perché te lo meriti e continua così se ti va puoi sentire le mie canzoni sono anche su YouTube e su altri canali se te sei su Spotify e su YouTube mi iscriverò e se vuoi e ti fa piacere lo puoi fare anche te

Italy, Torino

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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