Latest News / Updates / New Podcast COMING SOON!
Afternoon all,
I hope everyone's well.
So just a little update for you all, I'm doing something a little different at the moment. I'm working on a new podcast, this will hopefully include a little more music and some recordings, interviews etc.. So keep a look out for more details. I'm just in the middle of putting plans together.
As always I'm really grateful for the support and wonderful messages I've had.. and for the patience and support while I was taking time off and away from music. This time has given me the chance to explore some different areas I've been interested in and getting my business off the ground.. However! I won't be leaving the entertainment behind me, this is and always will be my first love.
I'm really excited to show you more of what I've been doing and what I have planned to do as well, so watch this space. :-)
All my love,
Daniel Matthews,