Mystery North
2 years ago

I Have so Much More to Tell You

Hey Friends and Family. I Missed You so Much. JESUS has told me to go ahead and Speak to The World The Messages He has for Us. We will be Releasing New Music Every Month. Along w/ Videos on YouTube under Mystery North. I No Longer Have A Passion or Drive to Sale My Music or to gain any Material Thing off Our Music. Gifts Produced in Ppl are Given by GOD. Why do we Look for an Earthly Reward from The Anointing Inside of Us? GOD Deserves The Glory Not Us. Everyone Needs to Know JESUS and What Love Feels Like. If You know anyone who Needs Encouragement or A Friend to Uplift Them. Please Direct Them Here to Our Page. BLESSINGS - LIFE and PEACE UPON YOU. I Have so Much Love for You. Talk to You Soon.





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