
Country Wise Tales-New Album Release from Nashville Country

Hi Folks, Just wanted to let you know about our most recent album, Country Wise Tales. This one is especially fun, and has some straight up bluegrass, along with country. You might notice some Celtic influence in a couple of the songs, which isn't really too much of a stretch given my background. We have another song to honor our veterans and always like to keep them visible for all they have given. There are also a couple of just plain fun, upbeat songs. Anyway, take a listen and let us know what you think. We are working on the next album, which will be a Christian Contemporary/Gospel album. We believe that the spiritual connection fuels our music. Stay tuned and I am certain you will enjoy that music. As always, we appreciate your ongoing support and incredibly positive feedback for our music. We are happy to be a part of the family of musicians and supportive listeners here at N1M. You folks are just great and bring us lots of joy. Happy New Year to all of you! Clare





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