Thank you for you patients were almost there

Hello to all. new music up at The double elease poject is appox 88 pecent done. ill be leaking some of tacks that were done that wont be on the final cut. just something to feed you musical appetite in the meanwhile. Im aiming for a Halloween release for the 1st of the double releases. Please stay tuned. ill be stating a response campaign in which #21 people from each site im on will win a free digital download of the 1st album and receive it prior to its release. just to show i appreciate you being here for me. i greatly appreciate all of you. I am doing "everything" on my own which is what is taking so long. #DarknessFallz will now precede the long anticipated #RizeOfTheFallen . Again, on behalf of myself and my #Nightlyferz koven i humbly thank you for your interest,patience and support. were coming.....expect us. #NightLyferz "Say Hello To The Night"