6 years ago

Could you vote for me?

Could you vote for my song by liking it @ https://m.facebook.com/HHHumanismcontests/?ref=m.facebook.com It is called “Nephibis - Shook Ones Remix.” I had surgery last month and didn’t do much outside of work and homework, so I unfortunately didn’t come out with a newsletter. Sorry to those who were disappointed. Good news though is that I graduate in August and have a 3.5 GPA. I recorded 2 songs for contests. One was a contest for the People Problems Remix. It has a soulful feel. It was the fastest I ever recorded and mixed. I used new techniques I learned in a class I just finished. The link is here: https://youtu.be/hMEp8_-vBcc The other songs was to the instrumental of the song Shook Ones and has an old school feel. Songs: People Problems - https://youtu.be/hMEp8_-vBcc Shook Ones Remix - https://youtu.be/3FX81iTr0EU Lyrics: Behind the lyrics: Mind of Nephibis: Games: www.mixer.com/kronox2 www.twitch.com/kronox2016 ~Nephibis~ http://www.nephibis.com/ https://www.patreon.com/nephibis





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