United States, Mississippi, Pascagoula
About N.f.a
cRAZY stuff happens ... life happens... ! almost every bone in my body now BroKen at different times you know even sang several of these songs not knowing I had a broken jaw from a fight until a week later.. still never feel down... grow n up i was always sorta.. crazy had a split personality some would even say... kingkikr my goofy crazy self... it's the funny guy the good guy with some what of a decent heart has always been there very talkative and so friendly he could even get along with your mom... and have her calling him kick before the day was out.... however there had always been another side as well known as (expired link) ... he is usually always in a bad mood.. always wearing glasses... super seriouspissed at the world for every thing from his parents leaving him as a young child to the ones he loved doing him dirty when they didn't have to... but hey just don't mess with him and your goodev3n gotta little girl now who's startin to follow in my foot steps so never GIVE UP On yOur DrEaMs..... EvErydAY.... Do YoU.... BE yourself...Don't WORry AbOut whaT anYone says...if ITs meant to happEN IT'll HapPEN... ENJOY! COMMENT! FOLLOW! DISLIKE! WHATEVER ! JUS DO IT!!!! do SomehtHING ! MAKE A DiffeRENCE 2 sOMEone! bE SomeONE FOR Some1! differ3nt Iz theWORLD WE LIVe in so bE YOU! AND leT ME HEARyou...
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