About No*Class Inc
a unique blend of rock/rap/metal/screaming. No gimmicks just real stuff. the successes, failures, lessons,pain and everything else that is a part of life from someone who has experienced a lot of life No*Class Inc. officially became a musical entity in 2011. Degenerate was a lyricist by trade and been writing all his life. a party hard, drug dealing alcoholic. Things turned tragic in 2008 when he fell into a viscous cycle of non stop drinking. constantly in trouble with the law and eventually drinking himself into seizures and even a stroke. The summer of 2011 he got a guitar and along with the equipment he had been staring at for 2 years, finally made a decision and started learning. After he did his first song, his circle of musician friends all turned their backs and reniged on their promises. Out of spite he went on to write "sleep on this" to let ppl know he was coming and that is was just a matter of time. Day in and day out was spent writing lyrics, picking at the guitar, learning song structure and logarithms. Eventually he left society and went underground and went to war with the world, society and the system and has been defying all odds ever since. to this day he is still at it whether rapping or screaming, he won't back down or give up. "If its war they want, i'll give em one they won't believe." this is just the tip of the iceberg as he learns he continues to up his game every day.
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