About noise from underground
Creating track after track, like crazy rats, like flying bats, the improvisations started including more genres, from Primus to Tom Waits,to Stooges and Danko Jones… The performances welcome concerts and poems with high alcohol content, to some hosts’ joy, to our great joy...to the joy of those who listen to us. This continuous evolution which smells of “Commends th'ingredience of our poisoned chalice To our own lips”
is Noise’s trademark.. “and all for nothing! For Hecuba! What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, That he should weep for her? What would he do, Had he the motive and the cue for passion That I have? He would drown the stage with tears And cleave the general ear with horrid speech, Make mad the guilty and appal the free, Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed The very faculties of eyes and ears”
Noise From Underground’s idea is a wall, which is built up by harmony and reefs, it doesn’t matter if they’re sung, cried or spoken, but which are lived behind, in the evenings which lead to the mornings, in more or less artificial suffering and psychosis. In the creation of a character who is far from man and therefore very similar to man.
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