Norman Chapters - Day Of Atonement
If you would like to purchase the digital album you can go directly to the HOME icon above on the profile page next to the Facebook link where you will then be directed to our BandCamp site. This is where you can purchase the Lex Talionis Ep as well. The Ep is the prelude and/or introduction to the Day Of Atonement album. We appreciate all of the love that has been coming from our listeners. This truly gives us hope in continuing the process for future recordings. Surely you will not be disappointed. So be sure to check it out.
Now here's a little bit on what the album is all about: Day Of Atonement is a saga/journey filled with the knowledge of steel and how to use it. An esoteric novel of literal, metaphorical and allegorical visualizations. Mental pictures along with verbalized precedence called into the law of attraction. Paradigm of a time frame within the halls of mentality. Justice, retribution, a cleanse, war, eye for an eye, tooth for tooth and punishment for those who misconstrue the elegance of the culture. Therefore, in the exact sense of the words that are written within the nature of it's approach, the above-mentioned pieces are conducive to a norm or a scale drawing powers from the mind coming to terms which are written bringing forth an equal exchange = measure for measure: Atonement. JUST LISTEN!
Relic of a forgotten culture.
A Norman Chapters - Major Deegan provision.