Now Or Never
9 years ago

The Beginning Of The Beginning

Hello everyone, recently I have released a new Ep called The Beginning of The Beginning. I am unable to upload the Ep here on number one music, but I will be attaching links at the end of this email for you all to be able to hear it. It currently is on souncloud and Reverbnation. It would be great if you have a soundcloud account if you went and followed me. Also I will be linking my youtube page because I will be making music videos for songs off my Ep. I hope you all enjoy it and like, follow, and subscribe to Now Or Never. Thanks :) https://soundcloud.com/nowornever_band/sets/the-beginning-of-the-beginning-ep https://www.youtube.com/user/trocks12346 https://www.facebook.com/NowOrNever.Teresa https://www.reverbnation.com/teresaluna https://twitter.com/NoworNever_band





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