About Nuova Agricola Associazione
The songs, written by Graziano Zuccarino with the collaboration of Franco Liberati, talk of stories of ordinary life in a little underground world. Nuova Agricola Associazione is born with the idea to revalue and to represent the Abruzzi’s musical culture and it is developed with the attempt to propose these topics in contemporary key, with modern musical moods and lyric coming from popular roots. The music - composed by Graziano Zuccarino (voice, acoustic guitar) in collaboration with Franco Liberati (drums), Fabio Duronio (acoustic guitar and voice), Maria Alessandra Piroddi (voice), Giacomo Salario (piano, keys) e Luca Francavilla (bass) - talks about stories of ordinary life in a little underground world with strong irony mixed with passion, love and joy. NAA songs have as main feature the Abruzzo’s language, expressed like musical and lyric element, but also as strongly callback of the origins, like cultural and territorial reference. NAA songs narrate history of daily life of the small truths of province, the peasants and their customs, the small - and therefore unconsidered - "dramas" of common people.
The first two pubblications 'Shta vite gne nu teatrine and Dall’ Alente a lu Serepenne was been very appreciated from the critic and from the public, emphasized from the thousands of copies that have been so
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