4 years ago

Hope/Inner Light

Now we see how destructive, fearful and dark this Pandemic is world wide, stay indoors, keep safe social distance, and in-spite of all the darkness, recall our inner light. I remember how as a 9 year old my grannie would inspire us to fill those days at home due to a winters storm, flu or other illness, that even though we were lock indoors we always had our imagination to turn to. May we take this time, even this darkest of times to return to our inner light, rekindle our imaginations and dream again. We'll come out of this, even better than we went in because we'll experience the human spirit alive and well in each other! So, write poetry, play games, sing songs, talk and recall communications lost, rebuild relationships, re-connect and ignite these valued intangibles: Hope, Love, Family, Country and God. And here's something to help get things started, spin ObsidianOz songs right here on N1M.com Listen to 'Hope for', stay safe, see you on the other side. Thanks. ObsidianOz





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