
New OhmAngel Coming Soon

New <<<OhmAngel>>> Coming Soon. But there's so much to Blog About The band OhmAngel* deals with the issues of today, concerning man's survival in the Universe. OHMANGEL* Warns us about the upcoming wars that will happen if man keeps stirring up hatred in his cauldron of Evil..........© ~ ΩhmAngel~ 2019. http://www.numberonemusic.com/ohmandthetempleofsound Save The Planet NOW! © ~ ΩhmAngel~ 2019 #3 In RoCK in Toronto Canada Thank you Friends and Fans of OhmAngel © ~ ΩhmAngel~ 2019 ➢ The mission of OhmAngel Music is to promote in each of us a Godly character and purity of heart, in doing so, it brings about Gratitude, Humility, Faith, Happiness, Hope and LOVE! & The greatest of these is LOVE! <3 On stage with the original ”OHM&TheTEMPLEofSOUND” Pete Morrison* portrays the Comic-book character *OhmAngel* A time-traveler from the shadows of man‘s mind, here to "Save the Planet NOW" and deliver us from 'EVIL. This Theatrical Surreal Avante Garde Artist Delivers Powerful Magnetic Tunes, with Soul searching lyrics, Psychedelic Grooves, and Haunting Melodies from Twilight.





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