Who buys music anymore!
Greeting everyone!
Since my last shout out, a few new things:
1) New singer, Chad, is working hard gearing up for a series of shows;
2) A Radio Station out of Tampa did a spotlight on us and played our entire album, complete with individual song intros done by me. (pretty cool) If you have some time, check it out: http://www.annamariaislandradio.com/Voice%20Tracks/One%20False%20Move%20Show.mp3
3) We were asked to develop a video for our song Trial By Fire for an online Battle of the Bands. I'm pretty sure I will not be winning a VMA any time soon, but here is the video if you'd like to check it out below;
4) Which brings me to the title of my newsletter. WARNING - RANT COMING!!!!! I recently received a listing of all of the "sales" of our CD on the various outlets. COME ON PEOPLE!! (not meaning you, but to all of those who have sent me glowing accolades about our music) Really? $.99 is too much to ask you to spend to support something you actually took the time to endorse, etc? I know whenever I hear a band do something I find interesting I try to buy something from them. We, as fellow musicians, have got to start supporting each other. For those of you who do what I do (write, arrange, practice, record, design, distribute) you know how thankless it can be, not to mention expensive. <sigh> RANT OVER (sorry)
That is all I have to report right now. Have a great day!!!