You can't get away from me (2014 - LP : You can't get away from me)

You can't get away from me

Song Reviews

chouette prod

le titre est super , juste quelque petits trucs me chiffonnent dans le mix , la batterie un peut trop présente ( le charley ) dans le début du titre à l'entrée des guitares avant la voix et aussi sur le refrain.Enfin ce n'est que mon avis .peut être aussi le morceau est il trop long , le solo de gratte pas indispensable sur ce titre on perd l'effet punch du morceaux . Je kiffe le morceau entendons nous bien là dessus mais l'effet global pourrait être ( à mon avis ) optimisé.en esperant que mon avis sincère vous sera d'une quelconque utilité , bonne continuation pour votre musique et pour le reste amicalement Jérôme

France, Bordeaux


Really like the sound. Reminded ME of an early90s era rock. Watching weird science and kind of farris bullers day off vibes. Reminded ME of those eary early mornings waking up to go to school and right before I'd look forward to watching save by the bell. Man i miss those times. This is really smooth. Really like the lyrics. Keep it up.

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Can't get away

Groovy and funky tunes from O-NYX. It sounds fresh and interesting. The production is in general good and The musician plays well. Very nice guitar solo. Good work there. There is some room for improvements in The recording/production. The symbals sounds a bit distorted and The reason is maybe to much input on The microphones. This could probably be improved in The mix anyway. All luck to this promising band. Look out for O-NYX.

Norway, Oslo

I dig it

I only review songs that grab me right away. So, we're off to a good start. A great groove off the top. Nice intensity. I think the vocals are a bit low in the mix. Wish they were a bit more "in your face". The chorus is powerful, I love that soaring note to start it off. The harmonies add a lot. The rhythm guitar has a great sound to it. The lead, clean guitar is quite the tone I'd choose. I think the bass might be my favorite part of the song. Simple, but it really suits the song. My kind of solo - a great blend of soul and technique. Overall I think it's a strong song that will really resonate with audiences.

Canada, Alberta, Calgary

Great Rock Song!

Wow, what a cool Sound! Very powerful. Unfortunately there seems to be a bit too much reverb on the mix. The vocals are GREAT!!!! Excellent singer. This is an excellent Piece of rock Music. I love it!

Germany, Freiberg

Your Song "You can't get away from me"

Well I have to say to start with I like the intro and the recording with a hard rocking beat with a classic style and like the tempo change going to a half time and the Lead Guitar was right in the pocket without over doing it while the Vocals sound fabuloso along with the Drums and Bass complimenting one another. This Band is what Rock Music is all about in my opinion and should be played on a regular basic on the radio. Write On~~~

United States, Texas, San Antonio, Texas

Whoa.... That is a cool tune.

Just came across this band. Totally be accident and glad I did. Reminds my of a few of my favorite bands back in the 80s that I listened to. And now here is a new band for me to follow. Nice job and keep it up. can;t wait for a new tune.

United States, California

Onyx has many colors

I enjoyed the colors and shades in this tune as well as the groove. Angst is oosing! Their natural talent is evident. I almost get a "metal Dave Matthews thin which is weird and cool at the same time."

United States, North Carolina, Madison, NC

I Liked It...

I like the way it opens with the Bass and drums kickin' it in. The intro to 'any' song is the hook that keeps 'me' interested as to what the rest of the song will be about. You came out swinging, and kept it going nicely. I also liked the voice harmonies, it has a Grand Funk "I'm Your Captain" feel. The long "HEY" gets a little over whelming at times. I was waiting to see what the guitar solo was going to do to make it 'pop' and it was nicely done and fit in there. Good Work, guys are one of my favorites on N1Music. gizzmow, Bonham, Texas

United States, Texas, Bonham

Classy track

This really is a classy song with all the ingredients that make a great song. Awesome guitar work,superb drums ,great melody and wicked vocals and lyrics. The recording is very professional and although this is not a strong point of mine I can tell the levels are good. Listen to this track over and again. It is really worth it. A big bravo for the talent and hard work that went into this song

United Kingdom, London

Rock ON ! Keep Creating

Rock ON ! Keep Creating Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Plato I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music. Billy Joel One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. Bob Marley Music can change the world because it can change people. Bono

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

You cant get away from this song!

You cant get away from me... a song by O-NYX is sticky. By saying it's sticky means it gets stuck in the head. For better or worse that's what a good song does is stick with you, becoming part of you. You cant get away from me is a big sounding rock song with a lot of melodic depth. The song sounds familiar, but not too familiar.Well written and well played the song kicks off with an intro sounding like an Iron Maiden song, but quickly comes into it's own with an original heavy funky groove and vocal hooks. Very good song check it out! Scott...WFJ

United States, Colorado, Denver

Off the beaten path! But on the right track!

Great song and sound You have a style all your own and its powerful! Harmony parts were strategic and catch phrased. The band is hard hitting smash mouth rock sounding with just the right amount of tech to stand out. The song is really memorable. As a Guitar/Bass player I have to say great job to all. Sounds and tones were awesome. Lead vocal I wish I had that clear power. Drummer is a MONSTER!! I COULD GO ON AND ON OK so I have nothing but good to say so let's get to it shall we. AWZ'z N1M HAMMER SYSTEM or "ANHS" for short "AWZ" is me "HAMMER" Is an acronym for the 6 catagories of the song being reviewed Your song scored 5☆'s On my ANHS Review GREAT Song! It Has everything This Song is a HAMMER Song The HAMMER system is pretty self explanitory. HOOK☆☆☆☆☆ ARRANGEMENT☆☆☆☆☆ MUSIC☆☆☆☆☆ MUSICIANSHIP☆☆☆☆☆ ENTERTAINMENT☆☆☆☆☆ RADIO READY☆☆☆☆☆ If you had gotten anything less than 5 stars in any catagory i would take the time to explain why. I can't tell you guys anything you don't already know. Well Done AWZ

United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

Diggin' This one a lot!

I really liked this one a lot, much better than some of the other stuff I've heard on N1M, there's actually some talent involved in this tune. Kind of funky hard rock sound to it, decent production and good vocals too. I like the old school guitar as well...Just an all around good tune, well thought out in structure and professional. What I liked best about it is that it sounded original, which I think a lot of so called artists on N1M are trying to accomplish, but many fall short of, at least to my ears they do. Good job O-NYX, looking forward to hearing more stuff!!

United States, Ohio, Columbus

Wanted for stalking...

O-NYX brings us You can't get away from me... which normally a phrase like that would be a warning of impending danger but in this case it is a warning that this song will envelop you. This song has a saturated level of energy in its delivery and that can be a plus and a minus. It would have been of bigger benefit if it had a few dynamic withdrawals at strategic points in the song. Dynamically speaking, this song is heavily compressed and I would have preferred that it were to be allowed to breathe a little more than was allowed. I think that is the difference between a hit and a classic. This song has that kind of potential. Also a second verse would have been really nice.

United States, Texas, Houston

Good rock

Cool rock, good song, decent recording, well done guys, from an sound engineers point of view slightly too much comp on the master or wrong settings, it only effects the hi hats in the chorus. You have your own cool sound. :)

Australia, Sydney

Power Groove

Another good rock song, ticking most the boxes to be successful. The drum and bass lay down a great groove and together with the clean rhythm guitar on top they are the gem of this song. I would be careful with anything else that may distract from the groove of those 3 tracks, like the second distorted guitar. How would it sound without, or if it is used only in a few places? Drums could be mixed a bit drier without loosing the classic rock feel. The lyrics come a bit short I feel but the repeated chorus allows people to sing along - and feel the groove which is great.

New Zealand, Hamilton

Awesome Original

Great quality recording. All the instruments can be heard quite well. Nice dynamics throughout the song. The music is powerful and catchy all the way through. Usually the vocals make or break a group. The vocals sound great for this style of music. Simple yet catchy lyrics are easy to sing along with if you get into it. A solid song all around.

United States, New Mexico, Albuquerque

professional outfit.

Sounds very professional right from the start. The instrumentation is spot on. Drums and bass work great together right from the word go.The vocals are powerful. I think you guys have what it takes to work with the best of them. Keep on Rocking.

Australia, lockhart

You Rock!

Love your guys Rock!..It's almost Old School with a modern touch. It's a catchy tune and I love the guitar shredding close to the end of your song..Lyrics sounds cool with great flow and rhythm!...Definitely one of the best i've listened on N1M..Keep on Rockin'!

South Africa, Pretoria

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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